Friday 10 October 2014


The Ebola virus disease outbreak in 2014 has claimed the lives of many people. Pictures can show the horrible symptoms that the victims are suffering; they can also show us why this infection kept on happening which can shed light on the things that can be done to lessen the cases of tragedy.
Having a fatality rate of up to 90%, the Ebola Virus Disease (also called Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever) is believed to be one of the deadliest virus infection all over the world. The Ebola outbreak currently affecting West African countries Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea and Nigeria is the deadliest Ebola outbreak to have hit the continent.
Right now, there is no known treatment or vaccine against this killer disease. The pictures that show the suffering victims are shocking, yet when you see the ones that fortunately recover from this disease, you will tear up.
Ebola Virus Pictures Under Microscope

Ebola Virus Disease Transmission, Symptoms and Victims

Symptoms of Ebloa virus disease are nonspecific at first, like headache, fatigue and pains. However, if proper supportive care is not provided, it can cause internal bleeding and death in just a few weeks.

Hemorrhagic rashes all over the body:

Woman died of Ebola, bleeding:

Victim died of Ebola:

Posters which educate the people about Ebola symptoms and ways of infection: 

Conditions that lead to spread of disease:

Fruit bat is one of the major culprits for hosting and transmitting Ebola virus: 
Treating Ebola Virus

Medical staff carry the body killed by viral haemorrhagic fever, in Guekedou, Guinea:
Man with initial symptoms of 
Ebola being treated by doctor:
Man being treated through given fluids:
Ebola is highly contagious through body fluids like vomit, feces, sweat, saliva, blood and tears; doctor wearing protective clothing checks in the mirror:
Bushmeat is one of the vectors for the Ebola spread. The raw meat of squirrels, bats, antelopes, monkeys and porcupines, all of which can be found on West African menus can carry the disease:

Gloves used by the medical staff are being dried and disinfected:Doctor studies live culture of Ebola virus in an effort to come up with a treatment strategy/ valid vaccination against this deadly viral disease:

Liberia's First Ebola Survivor:
Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak History


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