Monday, 8 September 2014

The 8 Amazing Home Remedies For Kidney Stones

Nowadays, majority of people especially men are suffering from kidney stones. This is mainly because in this fast paced world, these people are unable to pay proper attention to towards their health and are hence developing various other disorders along with kidney stones. Kidney stones are nothing but deposits of organic substances and minerals that keep on accumulating in the kidneys and ultimately form into stones. According to studies, it is estimated that 10 percent of people all around the world, suffer from kidney stones at some point of time in their lives. Among these people, the most affected are males from 20-40 years of age.

Kidney stones are mostly caused due to some heredity problems or due to bad eating and drinking habits of people. If you are also one of those people who is suffering from kidney stones and have tried various measures to get rid of but have not got any desired results then you must know that you can easily get rid of your kidney stones with the help of some natural home remedies. We are going to take a look at some of these home remedies that can help you to get rid of your kidney stones without spending too much of your hard earned money and without any side-effects.

Home Remedies For Kidney Stones

Treating Kidney Stones With The Help Of Water

One of the easiest and effortless ways to get rid of kidney stones is drinking lots of water. This is mainly because; water helps to flush out all the harmful toxins from the body and ensures free flow of urine from the kidneys. This ensures that there is no deposition of the minerals from the urine which ultimately lead to kidney stones.
To get rid of kidney stones effectively, you at least need to drink a minimum of eight to ten glasses of water a day. This is one of the easiest home remedies that you can follow to get rid of your kidney stones.
Drink More Water

Treating Kidney Stones With The Help Of Pomegranates

Another best home remedy that can help you to get rid of kidney stones is pomegranate. Drinking  juice made up of pomegranate or make a paste of pomegranate and add some horse gram into it and drink the mixture at least twice a day. Does this on a regular basis and see you will be able to get rid of kidney stones quite effectively.

Treating Kidney Stones With The Help Of Lemon And Olive Oil

One of the effective home remedies that can help you to get rid of your kidney stones is to drink a mixture made up of lemon and olive oil. Take some lemon juice and olive oil in same quantities in a glass and drink the mixture twice a day. This one is the best home remedy for kidney stones as it helps you to get rid of the pain caused due to kidney stones as early as in 24 hours.

Treating Kidney Stones With The Help Of Holy Basil

Another way through which you can get rid of your kidney stones is to drink 1 tsp of basil juice twice a day. For better results, you can also add one tsp of honey into it.
Keeping on drinking this mixture for at least a period of six months and you will find the difference. The mixture of honey and holy basil, cause the minerals and organic substances to melt thereby helping you to get rid of kidney stones.
Basil Leaves

Treating Kidney Stones With The Help Of Onions

The juice of onion is also one of the highly effective home remedies that you can use to get rid of your kidney stones. All you have to do is take some onions and extract their juice and put them in a bowl.
Add about two to three cups of water into it and boil the mixture. Allow it to cool and then add some salt and sugar for taste and drink the mixture at least twice a day and you will see some quality changes in your condition.

Treating Kidney Stones With The Help Of Fruits

Fresh fruits such as apple, figs and watermelon can work wonders in the treatment of kidney stones. Thus, it is essential for you to include more and more of these fruits in your daily diet.
You need to eat these fruits empty stomach as they aid in removing all the toxic minerals from your body thereby preventing the development of kidney stones. For figs, you can also boil some figs in water and drink the extract for better results.
Fruit diet

Treating Kidney Stones With The Help Of Vegetables

Vegetables such as radish and lady fingers prove highly beneficial in the treatment of kidney stones. For better results, you need to drink radish extract at least twice or thrice a day. In case of lady fingers, you need to cut some lady fingers and soak them in water.
Keep the pieces of lady fingers overnight and then take the extract out by pressing the lady fingers and drain the extract. Drink the extract twice or thrice a day and see you will be able to get rid of kidney stones.

Treating Kidney Stones With The Help Of Coconut Water

Drinking natural coconut water daily is one of the simplest as well as effective home remedies to get rid of kidney stones. The natural coconut water melts the minerals that are deposited in the kidneys and throws them out in the form of urine thereby helping you to get rid of kidney stones.
Hope you must have now got a idea about what home remedies to use when you or someone from your family has developed kidney stones. These remedies are simple yet effective and their main feature is that they don’t involve any kind of side-effects and are completely safe to use. To make the most out of these home remedies, see to it that you give up your sedentary lifestyle and bad habits such smoking and drinking and see you will be able to get rid of your kidney stones in a fast and effective manner.
Coconut Water

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