Monday, 18 August 2014


Men who are more than 40 years of age are more proneto develop prostate cancer. This condition can lead to experience much difficulty while urinating, bladder hypersensitivity and dribbling or urine in to a thinstream. This condition occurs when the tissues in the prostate gets enlarged and squeezes the urethral gland which results in the following symptoms associated with this condition.
When you or your loved one is experiencing this condition then it is essential to seek medical attention to relieve the pressure off the gland. When you have mild and moderate prostate condition then you can find herbal remedies for prostate cancer very effective, as it is free from all kinds of side effects.


Saw Palmetto

This palm like plant is one among the effective remedies for treating prostate cancer. The ripe berries of this herbal plant are considered to posses various therapeutic abilities. You can brew it as a tea or as an infusion to get rid of the symptoms associated with this condition.


This herb has the ability to inhibit the growth of cancer cells and was proved in many studiesthat an ingredient in the herb has potent abilities. This means that milk thistle can be highly helpful to get you cured from this dreadful condition as the anti estrogenic properties of the herb would help to eliminate the testosterone and also reduces the chances of build up in the gland.

Cernilton – The Pollen Extract

This is an herbal extract derived from pollen and is an excellent one among herbal remedies for prostate cancer. This herb can reduce the frequency of urination both at night and at day as it has the ability to relax the urethra and contracts your bladder muscles.
This herb has proven effects to reduce the size of the prostrate. However, always remember that you must seek your doctor’s advice regarding this issue, as it must not interfere with your other medications.

Pygeum Africanum

Pygeum is an African plum tree that is used widely to treat number of disorders relating to bladder, urination issues and prostatic gland.


Studies reveal that there are significant changes in the appearance of symptoms related to this condition soon after a patient starts taking this herbal cure. However, make sure that you ask your doctor before you consider taking this herb.

Extracts of Stinging Nettle

The extracts of this herb’s root is very effective lowering the symptoms associated with this condition. The inflammatory properties of these enzymes that are related to proliferation of cells that leads to enlargement of prostrate glands. Immune supportive constituents of this herb have good effect on the viruses and fungi.


This herb has an ancient history of medicinal when the Egyptian pyramids were constructed.You can use it as a flavoring agent in your food.

This herb can be used as a treatment to treat this prostate issue. You can add garlic in all your foods or you can also take it raw. When you take these herbs to treat this medical condition you can be assured that you will get good relief.

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