Monday, 18 August 2014


The liver is an important organ in the body and is responsible for cleansing the body by getting rid of all the toxic waste accumulated in the body. A well-functioning liver also aids with the process of digestion.

It processes everything that we eat and drink including alcohol, fat, proteins, vitamins and other nutrients. However, in order for the liver to perform its functions, it is mandatory to keep it clean and healthy at all times. Let us look at the herbs that can help us cleanse the liver and treat the medical conditions associated with it.


Milk Thistle

Milk thistle is the most commonly used herb for treating various disorders of the liver as well as for cleansing the organ. The active compounds present in the herb effectively repair any damage to the cells and tissues of the lungs especially in cases of liver cirrhosis.In case of mushroom poisoning use of milk thistle will prevent the poison from reaching the liver thereby protecting it from any damage by the potentially harmful free radicals. The herb should be taken in supplement form to keep the liver healthy as well as to treat any liver problems.



The root and flower of dandelion herb is used for correcting many types of liver conditions because the compounds present in the herb stimulate the flow of bile. Since ancient times dandelion has been used for treating cases of jaundice and hepatitis; both the conditions cause liver damage.Dandelion tonic is also used for improving the health of the liver. Consult a doctor as to the right dose of dandelion supplements because excess of the herb can increase vitamin A levels in the body, which can be hazardous.


Green Tea

Green tea is a rich source of antioxidants and nutrients that can contribute to well functioning of the liver. The compound catechin, found in green tea, is very essential for keeping the liver damage free from the toxic free radicals. Drink 2-3 cups of green tea every day to keep the liver healthy. This will also help with regular cleansing of the liver thereby reducing the risk of any liver disease.



Since ancient times turmeric has been used for treating many problems because of its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. The herb is very useful in the treatment of cuts, burns, allergies and wounds.Turmeric contains the compound curcumin that gives it its medicinal benefits. Curcumin is well known for its positive effect on the liver. Taking extracts of turmeric or curcumin can help maintain the health of the liver and prevent liver toxicity.



Boldo is an evergreen herb that is found growing abundantly in Chile and is used by the locals for treating problems related to the liver, the bowel and the gallbladder.The herb is considered excellent for cleansing and detoxification of the liver because it encourages the secretion of bile.Proper amount of bile aids in faster digestion of food as well as treats painful gas and bloating. The herb is easily available in the form of capsules and pills but consult your doctor regarding the appropriate dose of the herbal medication.


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