Saturday 19 July 2014

10 Effective Home Remedies For Influenza

With winter slowly leaving us and spring just around the corner, it is that tedious time of the year when influenza seems to grip every household. There are drugs to control it, but if you want to go au naturel, you can follow some of the time tested home remedies for the stubborn flu. Here are ten such influenza home remedies that act fast on the flu and heal you in no time at all:

Home Remedies for Influenza

1. Liquids:

One of the major symptoms of a nasty flu is dehydration. Water or fruit juices or even soda will work. Herbal tea is a good remedy too. But alcohol is a complete no-no because it will make you even sleepier.

2. Ginger:

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that will ward off various symptoms of flu and fight infections too. You can add grated ginger in warm water and let it steep before drinking or you can even eat a teaspoonful. You can also make a concoction of ginger, bayberry bark and powdered cayenne in hot water and drink the steeped liquid twice a day.

3. Lemon:

The tangy lemon contains anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties that boost your immune system and weakens the influenza virus, thereby serving the dual purpose of healing. You can put chopped lemon in hot water, steep it and drink the liquid. You can also add a tablespoon of lemon juice to your tea.

4. Mustard:

Mustard too has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that will help you heal faster. You can add a tablespoon of mustard in a quart of water and soak your feet in it. This helps your body to draw the good properties into the blood and fight influenza.

5. Hot Soup:

When down with flu, hot chicken broth feels like heaven. In fact, it is a time tested remedy to manage flu and its symptoms. It stops the production of a number of inflammatory compounds that are released during a viral onslaught. The soup also thins the mucus and keeps you hydrated.

6. Steam:

To clear congested airways, you can use steam. All you need is to boil a pot of water and remove it from the heat. Leaning your head over the pot; put a towel over your head and breathe in the steam. You can add a few drops of peppermint or eucalyptus or thyme oil. Steam therapy thins out the mucus and flushes it out giving you instant relief.

7. Nasal Drops:

A drippy nose is one of the most unattractive things about the flu. Nasal drops can be used to get rid of the post-nasal drip, congestion in the nose and even the risk of sinus infection. You can buy neti pots or regular saline drops. You can either buy it from the drugstores or if you have a squeeze bottle, make some of your own. Just add salt to lukewarm water and drip it down your nose.

8. Lozenge and Cough Drops:

Throat lozenges and cough drops will help soothe a sore throat and relieve cough. Lozenges with slippery elm or zinc can alleviate cold symptoms. Just suck on a few through the day for relief from itchy throat that often accompanies influenza.

9. Peppermint:

This herb is one of the best natural remedies for influenza. It can effectively fight flu symptoms and is chock-full of nutrients that ward off infections. The menthol present in peppermint can help the body cough up mucus and relieve congestion. It soothes the sore throat and calms the cough symptoms. It can be added to salads or infused in tea.

10. Salt Water Gargle:

Gargling with salt water will help remove the mucus that may have clogged the back of your throat- this happens often when you spend some time lying down. You can do a salt water gargle after brushing to relieve stuffy nose and throat.
Simple yet effective, these remedies for influenza do not burn a hole in your pocket and will usher you back to health in no time. Try them for instant relief from the many symptoms of influenza!

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