Thursday 14 August 2014

Top 10 Home Remedies To Stop Peeling Fingertips

It makes things pretty inconvenient – having peeling skin around your fingertips. The washing, the cleaning, and the grooming: all these things become difficult when you have to suffer the consequences of these very actions. But the good news is, simple home remedies can take care of the problem, provided you follow them properly. This means no saying ‘so I missed it once’ or ‘so I used detergent without wearing gloves once – what difference does it make?’ Because that’s when home remedies fail. So here goes: 10 very simple remedies for peeling fingertips to get back your soft, smooth hands.

Home Remedies to Stop Peeling Fingertips

1. Cool Off With Aloe:

Peeling skin around the fingertips can cause burning and irritation, for which the application of fresh aloe gel is the best remedy. Simply take a stalk of aloe, scrape out some of its gel, and apply it on the affected area at least twice a day. Let it remain till it dries.

2. Soothe with Coconut oil:

In times gone by, when we didn’t have moisturizers and chemically-laden creams, coconut oil was the one-stop solution for all sorts of skin problems – dry skin, patchy skin; it was even used as a remedy for pimples! But not everyone is comfortable with the stickiness it brings, which is why it has been relegated to the back seat. Bring it back in action and use it to get rid of all that peeling, dry, flaky skin. Apply it and wear cotton gloves. Do this twice a day – once overnight – and watch how your hands come back to normal in a week. If you’re not comfortable with coconut oil or don’t have it, using almond oil or olive oil will also work.

3. Moisturize With Honey:

Honey is another great moisturizer for the skin. All you need to do is apply some on the affected areas and leave on for half an hour. It goes without saying that you can’t do much when you have this on, but it is a remedy worth trying.

4. Don’t Eat Them, Apply Milk And Oats:

Make a thick mixture of oats and milk and apply it on your fingertips. The milk moisturizes and the oats help scrub away the flaky bits of skin that may be causing trouble and irritation.

5. Sip Away All Day:

You may have heard this a million times, but it still has to be repeated: drink as much water as you can in a day. And by that we mean at least 10 glasses. It keeps you hydrated and takes care of most skin problems, including dry skin and peeling skin on fingertips.

6. Eat And Drink The Good Stuff:

Do you know that more than half skin problems are caused due to poor nutrition? Consumption of nourishing foods and juices such as mixed vegetable juice, plain yogurt, and protein-rich foods such as beans, lean meats, etc. will help your skin and body return to its original healthy state.

7. Remember Petroleum Jelly:

If there’s one thing after oil that can really help dry, flaky skin, it is petroleum jelly. Of course it is as sticky, but those sensitive fingertips need that deep moisturizing to get back to normal. Apply it at night, wear gloves, and notice the softness in the morning.

8. Pop Open A Vitamin E Pill:

The oil inside vitamin E capsules is a great remedy for dry skin. However, you may have to use more than one capsule to cover all your fingers. If that’s too much, use natural vitamin E oil on the area. It naturally heals skin peeling on fingertips.

9. Go Bananas:

Do not throw away overripe bananas, simply mash one, mix a little honey and milk to it, and apply it on your dry fingertips. Do this regularly and watch your skin absorb all the lovely nutrients this very strong mixture has to offer.

10. Always, Always Cover those Hands:

This is more of a preventive measure than a home remedy, but if you want all those aforementioned remedies to work, you must avoid exposing your hands to harsh chemicals. In fact, one of the biggest reasons you may be suffering from this problem in the first place is the constant exposure to these chemicals! So do your hands a favour, wear gloves!
Now remember: if you have blisters, deeply cracked skin, or don’t see any difference with these remedies, please leave these remedies and visit your doctor. It could get infectious and cause trouble. Let us know: did any of these remedies for peeling fingertips worked for you? Do you have any recommendations?