Thursday 14 August 2014

20 Effective Home Remedies To Get Relief From Acidity

These days, it is common to see several people, both young and old, complain about acidity. While you may try everything from antacids to the ‘desi butter milk’ to placate the fire raging in your heart and tummy, sometimes, nothing helps.

What Is Acidity And How Is It Caused?

Overproduction of acid in the stomach that is vital for digestion of food can sometimes make you feel uncomfortable and causes acidity. Too much intake of heavy and oily food is a common cause of acidity. Formation of gas, burning sensation and chest congestion are just few of the many common symptoms. Many people also complain of respiratory problems, heartburn, vomiting and nausea. Excess of acid may also cause ulcers in the stomach and the upper part of the intestine.
Acidity is a universal problem and one of the most common ailments that people suffer from. However, it can be easily regulated and controlled by exercising a proper diet regimen.

Home Remedies for Acidity

Here are a few tried and tested home remedies for acidity and gas that will not let you down!

1. A Big No to Oily and Heavy Food:

Controlling your craving for oily food is a great way to overcome extra acid. Give yourself a break from heavy food rich in oil. Fried food not only elevates acid secretion but can also be the reason for fat deposits in your body. Cutting down oily food will help you lose weight and will also increase your metabolism which in turn will help control acidity.

2. Banana:

The benefits associated with eating bananas, is simply boundless. Banana is an antacid and cures heartburn. It also makes your bowel movements smooth and provides a great deal of relief in constipation. Banana helps in alleviating acid reflux if you have one after each meal. It has potassium which prevents the formation of acid. Apart from relieving acidity, banana also helps in preventing formation of ulcers.

3. The White Magic:

It is said that milk helps in calming down the heat produced in the body due to medication. Similarly, drinking cold milk when you suffer from acidity provides instant relief to the agitated stomach. Milk contains calcium, which absorbs excess of acid produced in the stomach. Those who refrain deliberately from white milk can opt for flavoured cold milk.
4. Baking Soda:
Baking soda is an acidic salt, which when dissolved in water and sipped can provide instant but temporary relief. Add a spoon of baking soda and allow it to fizz, this will expel carbon di-oxide. Once the fizz ceases drink up the concoction. You may have the urge to burp, this is natural.

5. Say NO To Drinking:

Alcohol intake can aggravate symptoms of acidity and heartburn. You will be surprised to know that red wine triggers heartburn the most!
LES, a band of muscle around the esophagus prevents the upward flow of acid and over consumption alcohol weakens the LES muscles. Besides this, alcohol utilizes all the water content of the body, makes you feel dehydrated and worsens acidity. Drinking even a limited amount of alcohol can throw your body off balance by the secretion of more acid! It also causes inflammation of the stomach wall and irritates your digestive system that can make you feel queasy and also nauseous!

6. Almond:

Acidity is caused when the pH levels in your body falls. Almond is alkaline and thus helps in normalizing the pH value. Having 4-5 almonds after every meal is a safe and effective way to combat acidity. It provides lasting effect and prevents that burning sensation and discomfort in your stomach and heart. Eating organic almonds work the best. Beware of overconsumption of almonds as it might cause headache and other similar symptoms.

7. Ginger:

Ginger facilitates mucous secretion which decreases the level of acid in stomach, hence prevents against acidity and heartburn. To cure acidity ginger can be used in many ways.
Chew a piece of ginger to allay the intensity of burning. If you find it tastes too pungent, keep some water handy. Alternatively, extract the juice of ginger and add a teaspoon of honey to it, to improve the taste of the concoction!

8. Aloe Vera Juice:

The production of hydrochloric acid can be inhibited by the consumption of aloe Vera. Aloe Vera has healing properties and acts as soothing home remedy for acidity. Make sure you consume only unprocessed aloe vera juice which doesn’t contain any latex in it. Aloe Vera forms a coat in the stomach and prevents acid from causing heartburn. Drinking 2 ounces of aloe vera juice daily assuages acidity and lessens burning sensation. It works on the LES and prevents backward flow of acid in the stomach.

9. Shed Some Weight:

If you are obese, shedding weight can help acid reflux condition.This is also one of the best remedies for acidity. Those who are overweight are more prone to acidity. Hence, losing approximately 10% of your body fat will help those who suffer from frequent bouts of acidity.

10. Apple Cider Vinegar:

Sometimes, acid reflux can be caused by deficit of acid production in the body. Pure apple cider vinegar is hands down the best acidity home remedy that can appease a troubled stomach! Mix 1 -3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with water and gulp it down after each meal. When combined with a dash of honey or lemon, the concoction is more palatable! You may feel discomfort or a tingling sensation within a few minutes of downing the tonic, but do not worry for it is just the ACV working hard at treating the acidity!

11. Fennel:

Fennel a popular Indian mouth freshener is known to accelerate the process of digestion. Apart from calming down the stomach, it also prevents ulcer formation and relieves constipation. It also has healing properties and protects the lining of the stomach! It can be taken intact or in powder form. Alternatively, soak some fennel in water overnight and drink a glassful after each meal!

12. Mint Leaves:

Mint is said to aid digestion and prevent heartburn and bloating of the stomach. It is considered as one of the best natural remedies for acidity. It allays the burning sensation caused by acidity. It is a natural relaxant and cures myriad stomach disorders. If you can lay your hands on fresh mint leaves, simply chew on them for best results!

13. Go for a Walk, Stay Fit:

If you eat healthy and yet suffer from acidity, then it is time you step out! Even a stroll after your meals is as effective as a heavy workout. Sitting in the “Vajrasana” pose even for 10 minutes expedites the process of digestion. Apart from seeding up digestion, exercise also helps in reducing weight which in turns helps curing acidity.

14. Chamomile Is the Right Cup of Tea:

A hot cup of chamomile tea can prevent stomach and intestinal cramps and does wonders for those suffering from a bad case of acidity. Chamomile tea bags are easily available in the market and are affordable too! If you don’t favour the taste of tea bags, boil a few petals of chamomile in water for 50 minutes with a teaspoon of tea for a natural flavour. Add a dash of honey or lemon to enhance the taste.

15. Eat Less, but Frequent:

Break down your meal into several small portions. Consuming smaller meals helps in keeping your metabolism perfect. Eating in bulk makes digestion difficult and hence more acid is secreted which results in heartburn. Overeating not only affects your physical health, but also plays a significant role in disturbing your mental well-being.

16. Chew Gum:

While some studies propagate against chewing gum, many latest reports state that chewing gum for 30 minutes after each meal prevents acid reflux and heartburn. Chewing gum stimulates the salivary glands to produce more saliva, which drains away the acid. Try sugar free gum for better results.

17. Cardamom:

Not only is cardamom used extensively in the Indian cuisine in desserts and curries alike, it is also widely used in Ayurveda to treat several health ailments including acidity. It mollifies the mucous lining in the stomach and heals it. Cardamom also possesses cooling properties and thus it wards off heartburn and gives relief from the burning sensation caused by acidity.
Soak a few pods of cardamom in water and drink up the flavoured water. Cardamom flavoured milk can also be prepared at home in barely a few minutes. Drink this up to good health!

18. An Apple a Day Keeps the Acidity Away:

Apple can be easily crowned the king of fruits, thanks to the many benefits one can reap from it. If this red, delicious fruit in organic form is chewed well, it maintains the acid production and prevents the burning sensation that accompanies acidity!

19. Avoid Citrus Fruits:

Citrus fruits like oranges, tomatoes and their by-products must be avoided when you suffer from acidity. These fruits that are acidic can aggravate the condition. If you suffer from regular heartburn after meals, then abstaining from citrus fruit is highly recommended. If you are tempted to drink a glass of lime juice to beat the heat, drink buttermilk instead, not only will this cool your body, the lactobacillus in the curd will fight acidity!

20. Sleep Well:

Last but not the least sleeping for at least 8 hours will do wonders in normalizing hormone levels. It has been reported that people who don’t sleep well and those who suffer from depression or nervousness are more prone to acidity. In case of acidity trying sleeping towards the left side of your body as it helps indigestion. Listen to calm and soothing music if you have trouble sleeping. A warm glass of cardamom flavored milk just before you hit the bed will act as a natural tranquillizer with no side effects!
When in doubt, simply go natural. The lack of side effects of natural home remedies for acidity has been propagated since time immemorial. Try these remedies if you suffer from acidity, they are sure to help!


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