Tuesday, 30 September 2014


Have you been attacked by an annoying migraine? In today’s lifestyle, it is really common, more common than it should be. Stress, rushing here and there, and many other factors affect our neurological system and entire health.
There is a better solution for this continuous headache than pills, since they just ease the momentary pain, instead of treating the real problem.
There are many natural cures for headaches, but the following juices will provide relied on cures for your chronic headaches and migraine:
1. GRAPE JUICE: Grape juices act as an effective home remedy for migraine headaches but the juice that is used for the cure is the juice of the red grapes. All you have to do is add this juice to your daily use without adding any sweetener or sugar.
2. CARROT JUICE: Carrot juice is rich in vitamin A. Vitamin A is an essential element that creates healthy tissues and is perfect for helping with your vision. It also contains other important minerals like potassium which is known to keep the cells in the body well-hydrated.
3. ORANGE JUICE: orange juice can get rid of toxins in the body that cause headaches and it will reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

For headaches there are plenty variety of natural remedies for you to choose:
• You can try a double espresso with a splash of lemon, a miraculous remedy for milder headaches since caffeine blocks pain transfer.
• With headaches, soaking your feet in hot water also helps. A hot bath redirects your blood to your feet, so it relieves the pressure in your veins. With very severe headaches, you should add to hot water some powdered mustard.
• Aromatherapy: The three main essential oils that help to relieve headaches are Roman Chamomile, Clary Sage and Lavender.
• Apply an ice pack to the painful area of your head. Try placing it on your forehead, temples, or the back of your neck. Ice is known to be one of the best anti-inflammatories.
• Yoga and aerobic exercise help decrease stress and loosen muscles to alleviate tensionheadaches.
migraine triggers

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