Wednesday 3 September 2014

7 Herbal Remedies For Appendicitis

Appendicitis is a condition wherein the appendix becomes inflamed and infected and this mainly happens due to blockage. When left untreated, it might rupture causing life threatening conditions. It is caused due to clogging of food or waste in the tube connecting appendix and intestine leading to inflammation and rupture of appendix.
The symptoms of appendicitis are pain on the right-hand side of the abdomen, which would be worse when taking deep breath, sneezing, coughing or while touching that area. You may also experience loss of appetite, vomiting, change in bowel movements, fever, difficulties in urination, etc. It needs surgical removal when the condition worsens. Herbs are found to be effective in treating the symptoms and preventing the ailment. They are also very useful in post-surgery recovery.

7 Various Herbal Remedies For Appendicitis

Holy Basil

Holy basil has anti-inflammatory properties and it can be used for several health problems. The extract of holy basil helps in soothing the pain in appendicitis and reduces fever caused by it. It heals any wound in the tissues and relieves swelling and pain. It is a rich source of antioxidants, which boosts the immune system and speed up the recovery post surgery.
Holy Basil
The flavanoids have pain-relieving effects. Take some holy basil and a glass of water and boil it for ten minutes. Strain the water and drink it daily. It will bring down fever and aid in curing appendicitis. It is a detoxifier and helps in maintaining good health.


It reduces inflammation and pain caused by appendicitis. It is powerful immune-stimulant and plays major role in treating chronic pain and inflammation. It has antioxidant as well as anti-inflammatory effects.
Warm ginseng tea can calm down pain and soothe the abdomen. Steep ginseng roots in hot water. Strain the solution and drink it ever day to cure the ailment.  It boosts the immune system and increases energy, aiding post-surgery recovery.


The herb can be swallowed to reduce pain and swelling of appendix. It has properties equivalent to low dose aspirin. It has antibiotic, antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
It has beneficial effect on intestine and aid in proper digestion. It prevents toxin accumulation in the body and removes waste effectively. It stops nausea and vomiting. Chronic pain caused by appendicitis can be reduced by taking ginger juice along with rock salt. Turmeric can be added with ginger tea to reduce extreme pain in appendicitis.


Fenugreek leaves and seeds have excellent curative properties. It has exceptional antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is extremely good in curing infections and reducing pain and swelling.
It is a laxative, diuretic, soothes irritated tissues, and lowers fever. Fenugreek tea prepared from the leaves of fenugreek can prevent dumping of intestinal waste and mucous in the stomach. Fenugreek seeds decoction can be used to soothe painful appendicitis condition.


It treats inflammation and pain of appendix. It contains menthol, which relieves pain and prevents bacterial infection. Chewing mint leaves will stop vomiting and nausea.  It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, astringent, anesthetic, antiseptic, antispasmodic and carminative properties.
It reduces fever and chill. It is rich in iron, which is important for blood. Herbal tea made using mint leaves can be taken daily to relieve appendicitis condition and it is very helpful post surgery.

Slippery Elm

It soothes the digestive tract and improves the digestive functions. It aids normal elimination of waste and removes toxins from the intestine thus aids in the prevention of appendicitis. It is beneficial to remove any discomfort from the stomach and improves the mucilage to comfort the stomach, digestive tract and throat.
Slippery Elm
It is a laxative and promotes healing of body tissues. It is an astringent, mucilent, nutritive tonic, vulnerary and emollient. The inner bark of the tree is used in the herbal treatments. It neutralizes the acid in the stomach and encourages the intestinal good bacteria. It alleviates vomiting and nausea and relieves any inflammation in the body.

Other Herbal Remedies For Appendicitis

Gotu Kola is an herb that is used widely to treat a number of ailments including appendicitis. However, those suffering from hypertension should avoid this herbal medicine. Dandelion with its powerful antioxidant qualities is quite effective in treating appendicitis. Besides these, agrimony is also used in the treatment of this condition.
Gotu Kola
It can be taken as tea at regular intervals. Steep a few mint leaves in hot water and consume this solution to get relief from appendicitis. Mix turmeric with ginger and take regularly to ease the symptoms and pain associated with this condition. Prepare tea using fenugreek seeds and take this regularly to relieve inflammation and pain caused due to appendicitis.


  1. Appendicitis is a common health condition that we have all heard about it. It can occur both in men and women. It is inflammation of appendix occurs that can be acute and chronic in nature. It causes several symptoms such as abdominal pain, constipation, mild fever, vomiting and nausea. It is most often treated with a combination of surgery and antibiotics but if you want to get rid of it naturally, you can try Appendicitis Home Remedies . They play a vital role in preventing appendicitis from even beginning at very initial level. Herbal Remedies for Appendicitis are necessary for curbing the entire scope of appendicitis from ever taking place.

  2. Appendicitis is a serious intestinal disorder. The patient's complain of abdominal pain that may start from the middle side of the abdomen and settle at the right side could be Appendicitis. My brother is also experiencing this annoying situation of appendicitis. He tried many medicines with no much success. Even some medicines gave him serious side effects such as nausea, vomiting and infection. We searched a lot about for the treatment of this issue and hopefully found a site that was providing some effective Natural Home Remedies for Appendicitis . He tried those remedies and now he feels more comfortable and relief from its symptoms. Ayurvedic Remedies for Appendicitis is also a good option to reduce the symptoms of appendices. It will work effectively without any side effects.

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  4. Appendicitis is a condition in which the appendix becomes inflamed, painful and filled with pus. The symptoms of appendicitis are really severe and annoying. Removal of the appendix by surgery is the common way of treating this condition, but following a few Homemade Remedies for Appendicitis can help you to deal with the pain more easily. If you are suffering from this condition and searching some good solution, you can try Homemade Medicine for Appendicitis for better and effective result.

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