Monday 25 August 2014

Top 9 Home Remedies For Chlamydia For Men

Chlamydia is a disease which is transmitted via sexual contact due to 

infection caused by bacteria. Chlamydia trachomatis is a bacterium responsible for causing this disease. It can affect men as well as women and is more common in teenagers. Symptoms of Chlamydia in men include painful urination, burning sensation in penis, itchiness, swelling and pain, milky discharge etc. Inflammation of joints can be experienced by some affected men. Chlamydia is detected with the help of urine test.
This disease can adversely affect the sperm count of men. It can also affect fertility as well. Symptoms of Chlamydia are not visible at first but appear later on. This disease is one of the prevalent diseases that are easily transmitted. If this disease is not treated well, it can spread to eyes causing infection that may lead to blindness. It can also cause fever and pain in the testicles in men.

Home Remedies For Chlamydia For Men

Garlic & Gentian

Garlic is beneficial for the patients suffering from Chlamydia for men. It has antibiotic properties that are helpful in killing the bacteria responsible for causing the disease. To use it for treating Chlamydia, juice can be prepared from garlic. Consumption of one teaspoon of this garlic juice is recommended. Taking few garlic cloves in the morning time is also beneficial.
Gentian herb is helpful for the treatment of Chlamydia. It is a traditional herb used in Chinese medicine. It can also be used along with other medicinal herbs. It has been found to be a good remedy for treating gonorrhoea, Chlamydia and herpes.

Lemon & Juices

Lemon is helpful in the treatment of Chlamydia. Juice extracted from lemons is also beneficial. Consumption of lemon juice two times on a daily basis is recommended. It contains vitamin C that helps in strengthening the immune system of the body. This home remedy is effective in quickly healing the harmful effects of Chlamydia.
Juices prepared from fruits and vegetables are also helpful in the treatment of Chlamydia. Fruits that are rich in vitamin C should be taken by the patients of Chlamydia.

Sage & Turmeric

Sage is useful in treating Chlamydia. Take few leaves of sage and crush them. Prepare juice from these leaves. Take this sage juice and add it in half cup of yogurt. Consumption of this mixture during the morning time is recommended. It contains bacterium that helps in treating the disease naturally.
Turmeric is beneficial for the patients suffering from Chlamydia. It can be mixed with milk. Take a glass of warm milk and add one pinch of turmeric in it. Consumption of this drink before going to sleep would be recommended.

Olive Leaves

Olive leaves are helpful in the treatment of Chlamydia. Extract prepared from these leaves is also beneficial. Consumption of a portion of this extract on a daily basis is recommended. It contains chemicals that are beneficial for treating infections and preventing the production of pathogens. This home remedy also helps in strengthening the immune system also. It has been considered to be beneficial for preventing the disease in the future.


Water is helpful for the patients suffering from Chlamydia. Consumption of at least twelve litres of water on a daily basis is recommended. Take one glass of milk and add one quarter teaspoon of salt in it. This remedy helps in flushing out toxic materials from the body.
It can be used as a cleansing remedy. One should avoid consumption of alcoholic beverages and other beverages that contain caffeine. Consumption of these drinks can cause dehydration and increase in the level of germs inside the body.

Goldenseal & Echinacea

Goldenseal is beneficial in the treatment of Chlamydia. This medicinal herb helps in strengthening the immune system. It has beneficial properties helpful for fighting against microbes and inflammation caused due to infections. Berberine contained in this herb is helpful in eradicating Chlamydia.
Echinacea is a traditional herb helpful for treating Chlamydia. It helps in killing the pathogens that help in fighting against virus, yeast and bacteria. This remedy is helpful in strengthening the immune system as well.

Usnea & Saw Palmetto

Usnea is a medicinal herb that helps in the treatment of Chlamydia. It has natural properties helpful for fighting against virus, bacteria and fungi. It has been found to be very helpful for fighting against HIV and other diseases that can harm the immune system.
Saw palmetto is helpful for the patients suffering from Chlamydia. It has been found to be effective in treating the symptoms of urinary tract infection associated with Chlamydia in men. It has a number of antiseptic properties that are helpful in treating other diseases related to urinary tract.


Neem is helpful in the treatment of Chlamydia. It is a medicinal plant that has antibiotic properties. Leaves of neem plant have numerous medicinal properties. Chewing these leaves during the morning time is recommended. Juice prepared from neem plant is also beneficial.
Consumption of juice prepared from neem leaves on a daily basis is recommended. It has antibiotic properties that are helpful in fighting against bacteria responsible for causing the disease. It acts as a natural antibiotic which helps the patients suffering from Chlamydia.

Yogurt & Antibiotics

Yogurt is beneficial for the patients suffering from Chlamydia. It can be used to treat infections in the genital parts as it changes the pH and resists bacteria. Continue using this home remedy for a period of one week for effective use. This remedy is effective curing the symptoms associated with Chlamydia.
Antibiotics are essential for the treatment of Chlamydia. These antibiotics can be taken in the form of pills as prescribed by the doctor. Continue using these antibiotics for five to ten days for getting relief from the symptoms of Chlamydia. Doxycycline is one of the antibiotics helpful in treating Chlamydia.
Consumption of hundred milligrams of doxycycline two times on a daily basis is recommended. Continuing this remedy for seven to fourteen days is recommended. Azithromycin is another such antibiotic that helps in treating Chlamydia. Consumption of one gram of azithromycin is beneficial.


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