Monday, 25 August 2014

Top 11 Natural Cures For Impotence

Impotence is also known as erectile dysfunction. It is a medical condition in which the patient fails to maintain an erectile. It is a very common medical problem. Psychological factors like depression, stress and physiological factors like nerve damage, diabetes etc. are some of the factors are considered to be responsible for causing impotence.
Medication related to anti-depressants and side effects of high blood pressure can also lead to impotence. It may be a medical problem or an emotional one. One should consult the doctor before using the natural cures. Though it can occur in any age but it has been found to be common in men over the age of sixty. Following are some of the natural cures that are helpful for the treatment of impotence.

Top Natural Cures For Impotence

Cloves & Water

Cloves are beneficial for the patients suffering from impotence. One quarter to one gram of cloves taken three times per day is beneficial for the health of patients suffering from impotence.
Water is beneficial for the treatment of impotence. Drinking plenty of water is recommended and is good for the health of patients. Consumption of water in high amount helps in improving the overall health of the patients. It also makes the body easier to properly perform the functions of body.

Cinnamon & Gingko Biloba

Cinnamon is useful for the treatment of impotence. One quarter to one gram ofcinnamon is recommended. It can be taken three times on a daily basis. Consumption of cinnamon helps in regulating the flow of blood in the body.
Gingko biloba is helpful for treating impotence. Extract prepared from the herb has been found to have medicinal properties. This medicinal herb helps in regulating circulatory problems, reducing fatigue andlowering the levels of energy. The herb contains flavonoids which are complex chemicals helpful for relaxing the blood vessels.
It has been found to be beneficial for treating depression which is one of the symptoms of impotence. Consumption of forty to eighty grams of standardized extract of gingko biloba is recommended. Continue using this remedy three times on a daily basis. Take care before taking gingko and consult the doctor regarding the same as it may increase the risk of bleeding.

Avoid Smoking

Smoking is not good for the health of patients suffering from impotence. Smoking is one of the common causes to a number of diseases apart from impotence. Those who smoke are two times more likely to be affected with impotence than those who do not.
It has been found in one of the research studies that there is an increased risk of occurrence of impotence in fifty percent of men who lie in the ages of thirty to forty.


Ginger is helpful for the treatment of impotence. It helps in enhancing vitality and reduces stress. This medicinal herb has been found to be beneficial in improving the capacity of body to fight against medical problems.
It has therapeutic properties that are beneficial for the health of impotence patients. Consumption of one hundred fifty milligrams of ginger is recommended. Continuing this remedy three times on a daily basis is beneficial.
Ginger has been found to be useful in reducing the symptoms of impotence. Consumption of one quarter to one gram of ginger three times per day is recommended. It helps in warming up the body and regulating the flow of blood inside body.


Exercise is useful in the treatment of impotence. It is a natural cure for improving thecirculation of blood in the body. Poor circulation of blood is one of the causes of impotence and hence exercise can be beneficial.
One should spend good time in doing exercise every week. Both anaerobic and aerobic exercises can be performed during work out. Kegel exercise is another kind of exercise that helps the patients suffering from impotence.


Reflexology is beneficial for the patients of impotence. In this technique, thumbs can be used to apply pressure on the reflex points which are energy channels present inside and outside theankle.
These points are the reproductive areas of the body. This natural remedy helps in regulating the circulationof blood to encourage erectile. It helps in stimulating the nerve pathways that lead to brain.

Foods to Avoid

Patients suffering from impotence should avoid foods that can worsen the symptoms of impotence. Consumption of alcohol and drug should be avoided by the patients of impotence. These poorly affect the health of patients. Excessive amount of foods like sugar, fried foods, processed foods and sodium is not good for the health of patients.

Take Rest

Taking rest is beneficial for the patients suffering from impotence. Impotence is associated with stress also. Stress and anxiety are some of the common symptoms of impotence. Taking proper rest would help in reducing stress.
Stress increases the blood pressure of the body. Taking a good sleep would help in reducing the risk of stress. Relaxation techniques can also be used by the patients.


Ashwagandha is a medicinal herb helpful for the patients suffering from impotence. It is commonly called as Indian ginseng. It helps in increasing the energy level and stamina of body.
One should consult the doctor before taking this herb as it may cause side effects like drowsiness. One should not combine them with sedative drugs.


Yohimbe is useful for the patients suffering from impotence. It is an African tree bark of which has been found to be beneficial for treating erectile dysfunction. It contains an important component that helps in curing impotence by treating depression. Side effects of this medicinal herb includeanxiety, high blood pressure and irregularity in heart beat.


L-arginine has been found to be helpful for the treatment of impotence.Consumption of l-arginine in high doses is recommended. This natural cure helps in improving erectile dysfunction by stimulating the blood vessels.
This method is useful in improving the flow of blood in the body. Side effects of l-arginine may includediarrhea, nausea and cramps. Thus one should consult the doctor before taking l-arginine supplements. Also, one should not take it along with Viagra.

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