Monday, 25 August 2014

Top 9 Natural Cures For Anal Fissure

The term anal fissure has been used to define a tear in the anus area, which can be basically of any size. It is usually seen as a couple of bright red spots that happens on the toilet tissue. This is usually accompanied with almost no or very painful bowel movements. The anal fissures are a cause of worry because they cause stinging and sharp pain every time you are trying to pass stools.
The worst thing is that the pain is not really temporary and can also last a few hours. The muscles around the rectum too suffer because of it and this makes you really uncomfortable. However, there are an array of remedies available for treating the same, which are natural and rule out the need for any kind of medication or treatments. Here are some of them-

Natural Cures For Anal Fissure

Fruit Juices

One of the best ways of treating your anal fissures is to prevent constipation in the long run. The anal fissure treatment here includes having a lot of fruit and vegetable juices. The reason for this is the high nutrients available in the same not only help in smoother bowel movements, but they are also highly beneficial in treating the tear of the fissure by faster repairing of the tissues.
In this reference, you can have all kinds of fruit juices but it is suggested to blend orange, carrots along with some pineapple, because these are high in antioxidants and help in faster cell rejuvenation. This treatment should be done for at least 5 days and you should consume a glass of juice every couple of hours. Remember to add equal amounts of water to this too because it helps in balancing the laxative properties of these juices.

Olive Oil

Another effective remedy for treating anal fissure would be using warm olive oil. This process is basically all about the instillation of warm oil into the rectum to treat the fissure.
Here you need about 65 grams of heated olive oil to soften the tools and work as a natural enema process.This should be repeated as required, but at least once a day for smoother bowel movements.

Natural Fiber

There are a lot of changes that you would need to make to your diet too and the key here is to have more of fibers. These fibers are a great way of treating anal fissures by helping smoother and softer bowel movements.
So you should try to have more of whole grains, bran, legume and even oats. Apart from this, try to have more of dark leafy veggies like spinach and lettuce. Add cabbages, pumpkins, beet, onions and even French beans to the menu.


This is one of the most suggested remedies for treating anal fissures by softening the tools. Papaya, the ripe ones, are very rich in fibers and ingredients that help in cleansing the bowel and aid in digestion too.
It has enzymes that softens tool and flushes out toxins. The anal fissures get respite from hard tools thanks to the consumption of this fruit. Have a bowl at least twice a day.


Again hydration is the key to successful treatment of hard stools. Remember that anal fissures will not go away till you keep suffering from issues of hard stools. So what you need to do is have at least 8-10 glasses of water a day so that the toxins are flushed out and you can also wash out the other poisons that these fissures cause.
The blood is diluted by the same too and it prevent constipation. However, as a rule of thumb, you should not have water along with meals because it disrupts in digestive functions. Have the same at least 45 minutes post a meal.


There are various kinds of exercises available for treating anal fissures. Some of these include yoga asanas like pavanmukta or the wind release posture, then there is the shavasana, shalabhasan, halasana, vajrasana, etc. which help in better flow of blood to the digestive organs, resulting in smoother bowel movements.
Regular exercises also mean less stress on the fissures during bowel movements that leads to its gradual recovery. You should ensure that you exercise at least 30 minutes for about 4-5 days a week.

Dry Fiction

This dry friction treatment is a good treatment for anal fissure, once the same has become small. All that you need to do here is wash or bathe the affected region using alternative cold and hot fomentations. You also need to take a piece of clean and washed linen that should be gently pressed on the fissure.
Soak the same in hot water and then wring out the excessive. Once this is done, you should repeat the process at least 3-4 times and the let the pressure stay for about 5 minutes. As you are done with the hot treatment, then take out the cold water and repeat the same. Alternating this hot and cold therapy helps in getting rid of anal fissures.

Sitz Bath

Another good remedy here is a sitz bath or a warm bath that helps in cleansing the toxins and prevents risk of infection in the fissure.
Basically it also heals the fissure. Just make a hot bath and then sit in the water for about 3-4 times in a day.This should be done while ensuring that the buttocks and the hips area is soaked well. This treatment can be done along with the dry friction too.


Coconut water or its extracts are highly suggested for getting rid of anal fissures. What happens here is that coconut works as a natural laxative so you can drink its water, eat the coconut or simply have its milk or also.
The coconut is also rich in minerals and has cell renewal properties, which helps in healing the fissures. Have coconut based products in your diet and drink coconut water at least once a day.
With these natural remedies, you can get rid of fissures at home, without the need of any over the counter medications or laxatives. Just make sure that you don’t sit on the same for prolonged periods or it may gradually convert to piles.

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