Monday, 25 August 2014

Home Remedies For Impotence

Impotence or erectile dysfunction as it is called in medical language can be prime cause of a man’s depression and tensed married life. This denotes the improper functioning of male reproductive organ, due to which the main genital is unable to keep up to the erection point for long during sexual intercourse.
Erection occurs due to the flow of blood with pressure into the penis, which is a result of mutual interplay (foreplay) of neurological stimulations and hormonal reactions. Impotency can be caused due to a number of reasons like cardiac troubles, hormonal disorder, deficiency of potassium, and high sugar levels.
However, in some cases it is also seen as a result of mental stress, anxiety, effect of specific drugs and also other psychological factors. There are some effective home remedies that can cure this trouble if taken in proper doses, read more to check them out:

Home Remedies For Impotence

Milk And Almonds

This is a traditional home remedy to treat impotence and also to excite the sex hormones. Almonds have some fatty acids as its content that helps effectively in the functioning of the sex cells in the brain, thus signaling for the male genitals to work promptly.
Almonds also help in producing men’s hormones, thus when added to milk it satisfies the urge for extra energy during the performance. A handful of crushed almonds mixed in milk, if taken once every night can show significant improvement in the person suffering from impotency. If anyone is allergic to nuts, he can substitute it with grated carrots that serve the same purpose.

Walnut And Honey

Walnuts with abundance of omega 3-fatty oils and zinc ensures improvement in blood circulation all over the body. It is also good for people with heart ailments. This food excites the sex hormones highly and helps men to hold on to erections really longer.
Rich in B complex vitamins, honey aids in producing testosterone to absorb estrogen in the body. Just mix equal amounts of powdered walnut and honey and take 3 teaspoons of the mixture thrice a day followed with one glass milk and see the effective change yourself.


Including Oats in the breakfast bowl is a wise idea to get rid of impotence naturally. This cereal is fatless and contains elements that help a person to deal with mental stress, nervous exhaustion, and fatigue – which are the prime reasons for impotency.
Moreover, studies proved that taking a bowl of oats every day can help in dealing with withdrawal problems and also improves libido significantly.


This is also a traditional saying that banana improves the ability of sex significantly. Science says that bananas contain the bromelain enzyme that is responsible for increasing libido and treats impotence in men really fast.
Moreover, banana is loaded with essential nutrients like potassium and riboflavin that helps in increasing the body’s general energy levels and also curbs the deficiencies present. Consuming two to 3 bananas per day followed with a glass full of milk is sure to be a competent home remedy to cure impotency.

Cinnamon, Ginger And Cloves

These three species can be used in majority of recipes and they actually help in improving sexual performance as well. They have the properties to warm up the blood, improve blood circulation, and raises energy levels.
There is no clinical proof that they can cure impotency, but they have been used since decades as aphrodisiac for warming up the blood and body. The recommended dose is quarter to 1 g of crushed and powdered ginger, cloves and cinnamon together – consume this three times a day added to a cup of warm water.


Water helps to flush out the toxins out from the body and when the body is free of any toxins then all the organs will work normally in the body. You should drink at least eight glasses of water in a day. In addition to it, avoid drinking and smoking as these are the major obstructions to the sexual life of a person.


Garlic is the sex rejuvenator as it has anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties. The cloves of raw garlic when chewed daily will give you relief from all types of stress and exhaustion. Garlic pearls are also available in the market that can be easily taken when it is not possible to take raw garlic.

Physical Exercise

Physical exercise helps to increase the blood circulation to the whole body and thesex desire is affected by the blood circulation in the body. So it is advised to involve you in physical exercise. Exercising for the pelvic floor muscles will also help to prevent the problem of premature ejaculation.

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