Monday, 25 August 2014

9 Natural Cures For Leg Cramps

Cramps are unpleasant and uncomfortable. The problem of leg cramps is caused by factors such asdehydration, injury, improper blood circulation in the legs, medication, uncomfortable posture, lack of calcium, magnesium, potassium and vitamin D in the diet, pregnancy and excessive exercising.
Symptoms of leg cramps include pain, swelling or stiffness, difficulty in leg movement or walking and so on. Leg cramps can be treated with the use of different natural remedies.

9 Natural Ways To Cure Leg Cramps

Calcium Rich Food Items

Regular consumption of calcium rich food items can cure the symptoms associated with leg cramps.
Calcium rich food items include low fat milk, cheese, broccoli, almonds, flaxseeds, yogurt, spinach and so on.

Regular Exercise

Regular walking or practicing mild exercises can help in increasing the blood circulation in the legs and reducing the pain. This may also help in treating fatigue. It is advisable to elevate legs on a frequent basis to relax the muscles and reduce the risk of leg cramps.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a beneficial natural remedy. Drinking a tonic made by mixing apple cider vinegar (2 teaspoons) and honey (1 teaspoon) in warm water (1 cup) can provide the desired results.A piece of cotton cloth can be soaked in apple cider vinegar and wrapped around the legs with the help of a crepe bandage for half an hour in order to obtain effective results.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has natural anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe vera gel can be rubbed on the affected area 2 to 3 times in a day. Placing a cold compress after the application of aloe vera gel can prove beneficial. Intake of aloe vera juice on a daily basis can also treat the problem.


Molasses (1 tablespoon) can be consumed on a regular basis to obtain relief from the pain. A glass of grape juice containing molasses (1 teaspoon) can also be consumed. A paste created by adding molasses to aloe vera gel can also be directly applied on the affected area to obtain the desired results.


Ginger can help in promoting healthy blood circulation in the legs. Consumption of a cup of ginger tea several times in a day can help in the treatment. A mixture of grated ginger and honey can also be consumed.
Massaging the affected area with ginger oil on a regular basis can reduce the pain, swelling and stiffness. An individual can also soak his/her legs in a mixture of ginger oil and warm water.

Honeydew and Cantaloupe

Honeydew and cantaloupe are melons. These melons contain potassium which can help in reducing the problem of leg cramps. It is important to consume these melons along with the breakfast.


Application of a poultice made by mixing grated turmeric, lemon juice and salt on the affected area on a daily basis can provide the desired results.A paste created with the use of turmeric powder and sesame seed oil can also be rubbed on the legs.


Massaging legs with chamomile oil on a regular basis can provide relief from leg cramps. An individual can also drink tea containing chamomile multiple times on a daily basis for effective results.

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