Monday, 25 August 2014

5 Herbs For Itchy Feet

Mainly fungal infection is responsible for itchy feet. Itchy feet are associated with bad smell as well and that can be really embarrassing in front of friends or anywhere else where you would require staying bare foot.

Keeping the feet dry is a compulsion if you are suffering from itchy feet. If not treated on time, this can lead to burning sensation which can be painful. This infection can spread through swimming pools, public showerand infected footwear and also exercise equipment. Also if your leg sweats a lot, it can lead to itchiness.

Herbs For Itchy Feet

Tea Tree Oil

Organic tea tree oil can work wonder in giving relief from itchy feet. Add about 45 drops of organic tea tree oil to water and soak your feet in that water for some time.
After that use a soft towel to dry your feet properly and apply few drops of the oil on the affected area gently. Tea tree oil will get rid of the infection and reduce the itchiness to a great extent. This will also prevent further infection and stop it from spreading to other areas.


Garlic is naturally antimicrobial in nature. It is used for the treatment of various kinds of diseases. Crush fewgarlic cloves and add a little water to make a paste.
Apply that paste on the affected area and let it dry. Rinse off later. Consume a clove of raw garlic every day to make your immune system healthy. Garlic capsules can also be useful. You can also keep garlic slices between the toes to get relief from the itchiness.

Olive Oil

Massage olive oil on your feet regularly to prevent itchiness and kill the microbes. Apply olive oil on clean and dry feet twice regularly, once in the morning and once before going to bed.
You will notice positive changes within few days. This also prevents further outbreak of infection and keep your skin healthy and nourished.

Oregano or Neem

Oregano can serve as an effective herb for itchy feet. Make herbal tea using dried oregano leaves and soak your feet in that tea for 20-30 minutes. Repeat this procedure at least three times daily to get result.
Neem is a natural antibiotic. Massage neem oil on the affected area to get rid of the microbes. This would heal the area and cure itchy feet. Use a dry cotton ball to clean your feet before applying this oil to get better results.


Ginger has strong anti fungal properties that can be useful. Chop ginger into thin slices and add them to a bowl of boiling water. Simmer for 30 minutes in low heat and use this water to clean your feet.
Use the water after it has cooled down. Clean your feet using ginger water twice on a daily basis to get rid of the stinking smell. This would also kill the fungus responsible for the itchiness and give you relief.
All the above herbs for itchy feet are really effective and can give you relief.

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