Wednesday, 27 August 2014

19 Practical Uses for Lemon Oil

The practical and medicinal use of lemons goes back to Egyptian times. Below are twenty different uses for the oil of this colorful fruit, both for personal care and for around the home.
Congestion Remedy
If suffering from chest congestion due to a cold or flu, rub lemon oil onto the chest to help this up. It is great for respiratory problems.
Sore Throat Soother
To help soothe down a sore throat, add honey and 2-3 drops of lemon oil to hot tea and drink.
Nail Fungal Cure
To cure a fungal infection of the nails, apply lemon oil and massage in several times a day until it has cleared.
Anxiety Stopper
If anxious, try inhaling lemon oil or putting it on wrists and behind ears to soothe and lift the mood naturally.
Skin Clearer
To treat skin conditions like corns, calluses, sores or blisters, apply lemon oil several times a day and they will quickly disappear.
Digestion Support
Adding lemon oil to water and drinking several times a day will help with weight loss, promote good digestion and boost the metabolism.
Cold or Flu Treatment
At the first sign of a cold or flu, place several drops of lemon oil under your tongue and let it absorb. Its antimicrobial properties may be enough to ward off an infection.
Allergy Reliever
A few drops of lemon oil behind the ear several times a day can help relieve the discomfort of seasonal allergies.
Oral Health Promoter
Gargling with warm water and a few drops of lemon oil can help treat ulcers of the mouth and bad breath and promote good oral health.
Lemon juice is great around the house, too, and can be used in the following ways to clean and freshen the home.
Laundry Freshener
Aid a few drops of lemon oil to directly to the washing machine during the wash/rinse cycle to freshen laundry.
Lemon oil cuts through grease effortlessly and can make even stubborn pots and pans easier to deal with.
Natural Cleaner
Mix lemon oil in a spray bottle with white vinegar and water for a powerful all-purpose household cleaner.
Silver or Leather Polish
A small amount of lemon oil can be used as a polish for leather or flatware, although it is a good idea to do a test area first.
Wood Polish
Wooden furniture can get a real boost from an all-natural polish made from olive oil with a few drops of lemon oil added.
Stainless Steel Cleaner
Lemon oil cut with water makes an excellent cleaner for stainless steel appliances and is much cheaper than commercial cleaners.
Air Freshener
A few drops of lemon oil added to witch hazel extract and sprayed around the house is a great natural air freshener.
Spot Remover
For spot-free dishes, simply add a drop to your dishwashing machine. Your glasses will come out sparkling!
A few drops of lemon oil added to two tablespoons of honey and two cups of water make an excellent summer drink.
Recipe Substitute
A drop or two of lemon oil makes an excellent substitute in a recipe if you have run out of fresh lemons.
These are all great ways to use lemon oil for personal care and around the house.

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