Thursday, 14 August 2014

15 Best Home Remedies For Oily & Greasy Hair

ou wash your hair in the morning and style it to perfection, all ready to look good through the day. But a quick glance in the mirror after a few hours reveals a different story. Your hair seems to have become oily and greasy look you never even washed it in the first place!
This means you have oily hair. Hair shafts are protected from breakage and your scalp stays in good condition due to oil glands. These glands might secrete too much oil due to a variety of reasons such as hormonal fluctuations, hereditary conditions or the natural texture of your hair. Not to worry we have a few remedies for oily hair at home.
Oil secretion is good for the hair as it maintains the roots well but nothing in excess is ever good and the proof of it lies in the oily hair type. Moreover, realizing how much this bothers the women of today, all the multinational companies rushed to produce many products dedicated to fighting off the excess oil. How many of them work nobody can tell.
What if we promised you a few tips that will definitely result in less oil and more bounce? Along with the added advantage of being pocket friendly? Here are a few remedies for oily hair at home!

Hair Care Remedies for Oily Hair

Tip 1: Shampoo Everyday

If you have oily hair, it is best to shampoo everyday to keep your hair clean and grease free.

Tip 2: Rinse Thoroughly

When shampooing, ensure that you rinse your hair thoroughly. Any residue will only attract more oil and dirt.

Tip 3: Use Specially Designed Shampoos

Use shampoos specially designed for oily hair. Normal hair require shampoos with a pH between 4.5 and 6.7, but oily hair need one which goes beyond that.

Tip 4: Aloe Vera Remedy

aloe vera

One of the best natural remedies for greasy hair is to use Aloe Vera gel. For this, take a cup of mild shampoo and add a tablespoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of fresh Aloe Vera gel. Mix this and store it in a bottle in the fridge. This amount lasts for about a week. The hair should be shampooed everyday with this mixture to get rid of greasiness.

Tip 5: Use Conditioners Carefully

Use conditioners only to the ends of your hair, in-case they have dried out. They are not recommended for oily hair as they coat the hair.

Tip 6: Avoid Over Brushing Hair

Avoid brushing your hair too much. The oils from your scalp get distributed throughout your hair every time you run a brush.

Tip 7: Baby Powder to Remove Excess Oils

If you are in a hurry with no time to wash your hair, sprinkle some baby powder, let it rest for 5 minutes and comb well. The powder should soak up the excess oils and make your hair smell good.

Tip 8: Diluted Vinegar and Lemon Juice Rinse

Another method to reduce the greasiness is to rinse the hair after shampooing with diluted vinegar or lemon juice. For this, two tablespoons of white vinegar or the juice of one lemon should be mixed with one cup of water. After shampooing, the hair should be rinsed with this mixture and then finally rinsed with tepid water. Both lemon juice and vinegar help in controlling shampoo build-up.

Tip 9: Beer Rinse

Any kind of alcohol or beer gives a drying effect to the hair, reducing the greasiness. The higher the content of alcohol, the better it is. For this, half a cup of alcohol or beer should be mixed with a couple of cups of water. The hair should be finally rinsed with this mixture, which will reduce the greasiness as well as make the hair shine.

Tip 10: Tea Rinse

After shampooing, the hair can also be rinsed with a diluted tea mixture. Tea contains tannic acid which acts as an astringent, reducing oiliness. For this, boil tea leaves in a glass of water. When it becomes lukewarm, apply the tea water on the scalp and hair, and leave for some time. Rinse with water and shampoo.

Tip 11: Mint Rinse

Mint leaf is also a product used for removing greasiness of the hair. Boil a handful of mint leaves in two glasses of water for fifteen to twenty minutes. Add this mixture to the shampoo and apply on your hair. Mint has astringent properties which when applied on the hair removes excess oils.

Tip 12: Egg Yolk and Lemon Juice Remedy

egg yolk
Image: shutterstock

Another remedy to remove excess greasiness is to use an egg yolk. It not only removes oiliness but also lends a shine to the hair. For this, take two egg yolks; add a few drops of lemon juice and beat this well. Then apply the mixture on wet hair and leave it for five to seven minutes. After that, rinse thoroughly. To get rid of the greasiness, one must use this mixture at least two or three times a week.

Tip 13: Oatmeal Remedy

Oatmeal is another great greasy hair home remedies. Since it is thick in consistency, it soaks up the oil from the scalp and also soothes itchiness. For this, prepare oatmeal and when it cools down, apply a generous amount of it on the scalp and leave for ten to fifteen minutes. Rinse and shampoo as usual.

Tip 14: Baking Soda

Another method to remove greasiness is with the help of baking soda. But it should be used in a diluted form. Baking soda curbs the greasiness in the hair. Mix two to three tablespoons of baking soda in a liter of water. Apply this on the hair and leave for twenty minutes. Then shampoo the hair as usual.

Tip 15: Tea and Rosemary Rinse

A rinse of tea and rosemary also helps in reducing the greasiness of the hair. In a bowl, take 2 tablespoons of dried rosemary and pour one cup of boiling water over it. Cover and steep it for 20 minutes, strain and cool it. Pour this mixture in a plastic bottle and after each shampoo, splash the hair with this rosemary decoction.
Pick the ones that suit you the best and forget about oily hair problems!
Hope this article on home remedies for oily hair helps you to battle the issue! If you know anymore effective tips for oily hair treatment, share with us in the comment section.

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