Thursday, 14 August 2014

10 Effective Home Remedies For Fatigue

Have you been feeling completely tired even before half a day has passed by? So exhausted, and your head pounding so bad that you desperately want to hit the bed? You are most probably undergoing the much hated fatigue, a chronic one. Fatigue, in simple words, means exhaustion or tiredness. It is quite natural for us to get exhausted after an extremely demanding day. However, it is really unnatural to feel weak every now and then even after a slight amount of physical effort.
If you have been struggling to concentrate on what you are doing and experiencing painful muscle cramps, keep reading to know how to get rid of your problem. Here are ten sensible and simple remedies for fatigue that help you deal with the condition.

Home Remedies for Fatigue

1. Stay Hydrated:

Sometimes our fatigue is the result of a small mistake we commit every day – not drinking sufficient water. Our body tends to lose fluids when it is involved in a physical activity. Sip on water every now and then to keep your muscles hydrated. When muscles are devoid of proper circulation, they tend to get stiff and ache.

2. A Few Hours of Extra Sleep: 

If you really want to chuck yourself out of the weariness, start sleeping a couple of hours earlier than your usual bedtime. Our body repairs itself as we sleep. Getting extra sleep will improve the healing process and leave you feeling invigorated the next morning.

3. How About Some Fruit Juice:

Fresh fruit juices are the best way to fuel your body zip zap zoom! They get quickly absorbed into the digestive system and provide instant energy. Slurp on a couple of glasses of fresh fruit juices daily and you will notice how different your body begins to feel.

4. Eat Your Greens:

Leafy green veggies, especially the spinach, are loaded with so much goodness! Make it a point to eat spinach or fenugreek at least once a day. Steamed or baked, sautéed or purred -make it any way you like it. The potassium helps your muscles get healthier and the iron content boosts your hemoglobin, making you feel vigorous.

5. Start Your Day with Green Tea:

Green tea is full of anti-oxidants and low on acids, making it an excellent choice over coffee. It boosts your stamina and helps fight stress and exertion in a better way. So, have a cup of green tea mixed with a teaspoon of honey and let it strengthen you from within. Do not hesitate to include this green tea home remedy for fatigue as it tastes bitter.

6. Running Low on Vitamin B?

Your fatigue could be a result of Vitamin B deficiency. Include foods rich in vitamin B in your diet. Eggs, cereals, tofu, whole grain bread, etc. are high in Vitamin B content and thus are effective fatigue remedies.

7. Calm Your Nerves: 

Have you ever wondered why you feel exhausted in spite of being physically inactive? Our body is ruled by our thoughts. Your body imitates what your mind feels. Sometimes, our worries and stress drain our physical energy. Meditation has proven benefits in improving not only mental well being, but also bodily functions. Engage in meditation and breathing exercises for at least 30 minutes every day. It will train your mind to manage stress in a better way – without weighing your body down.

8. Take a Break from Dairy Products:

Dairy products could have an adverse effect on our lymph system, which results in fatigue. Stay away from milk and other dairy products such as cheese and butter for a while. Switch to soya milk or almond milk instead.

9. Go for Morning Walks:

Going out in fresh air early morning is the best way to start the day. Walking strengthens your muscles and helps maintain flexibility, without tiring you. It’s time you consider buying yourself a tracksuit!

10. The Don’ts:

Now that you have seen what things would help you restore your vitality, let us take a look at what things you should avoid in order for the dos to be effective.
  • Kick the butt! And by that I mean quit smoking, of course, only if at all you smoke.
  • Maintain a safe distance from alcohol and caffeine.
  • Nod your head sideways every time someone offers you a piece of cake or a slice of pizza, because carbs are not good for you.
Fighting fatigue is not as difficult as it seems. You need to realize the problem, analyze what’s weighing you down and religiously follow these remedies for fatigue. And you would be up and healthy in no time!

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