Saturday 19 July 2014

10 Effective Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Unwanted Facial Hair

Do you have excessive facial hair? Though it looks ungainly, body hair is not an uncommon thing. Although human beings have lost most of their natural coat after centuries of evolution, we still see body hair as a part and parcel of everyone’s body. Having no body hair is in fact quite unnatural. Hairiness is considered more of a manly trait today. This is why we see most women in the world resorting to some sort of body hair removal method.
Body hair can still be tolerated but facial hair? They definitely need to go! For men facial hair can add to the looks, but for women, facial hair is a strict no no. This is why we see that many women today undergo laser hair removal procedures to remove facial hair permanently. If you are not ready to take such a step, then there are ways of keeping facial hair under check.

Best Home Remedies for Facial Hair

Here is our pick of the Top home remedies for facial hair removal that are both effective and inexpensive:

1. Chickpea Flour:

‘Besan’ or chickpea flour can be used to make a coarse facial pack that can help remove and reduce facial hair. The chickpea flour mixed with a little raw turmeric paste and a little milk makes a face pack that can be used to remove facial hair efficiently.

2. Green Gram Flour:

If you cannot get chickpea flour then you can use green gram flour as well. But it is best to use it with rose water instead of turmeric and milk. This face mask should be used two-three times a week to get best results.

3. Homemade Peel-off Mask:

The best homemade peel off mask that can help you remove facial hair, can be made using egg whites, sugar and corn flour. Use this natural peel off mask and let it dry. Once it has dried, peeling it off can remove tiny facial hair and also give you softer skin!

4. Lentil Paste:

You can use lentils to make a rough face pack that can help remove facial hair. The pack can be made using ground lentils and milk or rose water. You can apply it on your face and massage it in an anticlockwise motion. The friction helps remove facial hair, making your skin look soft and clean.

5. Bleaching Effects:

You can use a mixture of lemon juice and honey or you can use papaya paste. Both have strong bleaching properties. So, you can use either to reduce, if not remove, facial hair.

6. Tea: 

Excess facial hair can be due to an increase in androgen levels in your body. Tea, specifically spearmint tea, can help reduce the level of androgen in our bodies. Having reduced the level of androgen, you do not have to worry about excess hair growth any more. But this is a relatively slow process and does not solve the problem of facial hair immediately.
Some women also opt the following ways that help in removing the facial hair. They can be easily done by oneself at home, thus are taken to be home remedies. They are:

7. Shaving:

Shaving is the most common facial hair removal method used by mostly men. Women are known to use this method as well, though it is recommended to not try this method since it can increase hair growth and can leave behind cuts and rashes. So, shaving is not the best facial hair removal technique that women can use at home.

8. Threading:

Threading is a common practice that can help remove facial hair. Generally, women go to beauty salons to get their threading done. But you can try doing it yourself at home as well. It is not a very difficult method, and all you need is that special thread and then you can get rid of pesky facial hair in a jiffy.

9. Waxing:

Though waxing is a common method for removing body hair, it can also be used to remove facial hair. Using little amounts of wax and smaller strips, one can wax their facial hair at home itself. There is no need to rush to a beauty salon to get waxed since all you need is hot wax and waxing strips. And the wax need not be hot either! There are numerous brands selling cold wax in the market today.

10. Tweezing:

The best way of getting rid of ingrown facial hair is to tweeze it out from its root. A pair of tweezers and a mirror is all you need to take care of ingrown facial hair. So, you can easily pluck away all the unwanted facial hair.

These methods are worth a try. Yes, they will not give you the same results as a visit to the parlor will. But they do work to give you beautiful skin apart from removing facial hair!


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