Tuesday, 4 May 2021


Laxatives: Medicines producing gentle action of the bowels. Laxatives are used for non-persistent constipation. Sometimes it is given with a carminative to prevent griping.

Herbs for laxatives

Pansy Herb
Cascara Bark
Turtle Bloom Leaves
Balmony Leaves
California Barberry Root
Culvers Root
Dandelion Root
Rhubarb Root
Oregon Grape Root
Virginia Poke Root
Cape Aloe
Sacred Bark
Wahoo Bark
Alder Bark (Europ. Black)
Indian Senna Fruit
Senna Leaves
Blackthorn Flowers
Mandrake Root
May Apple Root
Buckthorn Bark
Mountain Grape
Senna Pods
Hart’s Tongue
Fringe Tree




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  1. I GOT CURED OF HERPES WITH THE HELP OF DR OGU I Am from North Carolina, United State. I caught genital herpes from my ex boyfriend who never had any symptoms of herpes . I had it for 4 years ,and it has literally affected my life before I got cured. People think herpes is really a minor skin irritation, herpes has long term effects on health. The stigma attached to this virus by ignorant people is ridiculous. Most people have herpes in one form or another but they might not be aware of it. I would like to advise people on how I got rid of my herpes by using Dr OGU herbal medicine. I saw a comment posted by a woman from Germany on the internet that she got rid of her herpes with the help of doctor OGU. I was so happy when I saw that post. i quickly collected the doctor OGU contact email and I emailed him. Within 1 hr he responded to my email. i explained things to him and he told me not to worry that he will help me. i ordered for his medicine product which was sent to me via DHL. that was how i got the herbal medicine and i used it as i was told for the period of 6 days which is twice a day ( morning and at night before going to bed) .after 8 days, i found out that the herpes was no more and this was also confirmed by my doctor. if you have herpes or other similar disease and you want it cure, kindly contact doctor OGU Patrick via this email ; drogugusolutionhome@gmail.com or text him via: +1 719 629 0982 .

  2. I am FRED and i want quickly recommend DR NCUBE for a Job well done by
    curing me from the genital herpes disease that have be giving me sleepless night. if you want to contact him, Simply do that via email drncube03@gmail.com or 
    call/whatsapp +2348155227532
    he also have #herbs for


    The doctors keep saying there is no cure for herpes and making people believe that there is no cure. I'm here to inform everybody that there is a cure. There is a cure for Genital Herpes and I was cured from Genital Herpes by Dr Osato with his herbal medications. I got diagnosed with herpes june 2021 and ever since then I have been looking for a cure. I was reading about herpes on Youtube and i saw a comment on how Dr Osato cure HERPES and HIV with herbs on the comment section, i was surprise and i contact him on the email they provided on the comment and i explain my problem to him and he also prepare the herbs and send it to me which i use for two weeks as i was instructed by Dr Osato and after 2weeks i went to the hospital for a blood test and the result was Negative and my doctor confirm with me that am fully cured from genital herpes. I'm so grateful to Dr Osato.You can also reach Dr Osato on his email: OSATOHERBALCURE@GMAIL.COM or you can text and whatsapp him on +2347051705853.. His website is osatoherbalcure.wordpress.com

  4. Am Lisa by name, i was diagnosed with Herpes for 3years ago i lived in pain with the knowledge that i wasn't going to ever be well again i contacted so many herbal doctors on this issue and wasted a large sum of money but my. condition never got better i was determined to get my life back so one day i saw mr Brown post on how Dr Aba saved him from the VIRUS with herbal medicine i contacted Dr Aba on his email address dr.abaherbalhome@gmail.com we spoke on the issue i told him all that i went through and he told me not to worry that everything will be fine again so he prepared the medicine and send it to me through courier service and told me how to use it,after 14days of usage I went to see the doctor for test ,then the result was negative,am the happiest woman on earth now. this testimony is real.thanks to Dr Aba God bless you. you can also reach him on his whatsApp number +2348107155060   

  5. Am Lisa by name, i was diagnosed with Herpes for 3years ago i lived in pain with the knowledge that i wasn't going to ever be well again i contacted so many herbal doctors on this issue and wasted a large sum of money but my. condition never got better i was determined to get my life back so one day i saw mr Brown post on how Dr Aba saved him from the VIRUS with herbal medicine i contacted Dr Aba on his email address dr.abaherbalhome@gmail.com we spoke on the issue i told him all that i went through and he told me not to worry that everything will be fine again so he prepared the medicine and send it to me through courier service and told me how to use it,after 14days of usage I went to see the doctor for test ,then the result was negative,am the happiest woman on earth now. this testimony is real.thanks to Dr Aba God bless you. you can also reach him on his whatsApp number +2348107155060   

  6. Niligunduliwa na HSV (Herpes) miaka michache iliyopita na daktari wangu aliniambia hakuna tiba ya kudumu ya ugonjwa huo. Nilipewa dawa ili kupunguza kasi ya maendeleo ya virusi. Katika hatua ya awali haikuwa mbaya sana hadi ikasonga hatua ambapo nilikuwa na matatizo ya kuendelea na shughuli zangu za kila siku kwa sababu mara kwa mara nilihisi maumivu kwenye uume wangu, na karibu na sehemu yangu ya siri nilikuwa na malengelenge haya. Nilivunjika moyo kabisa na hata nilikuwa na aibu kulalamika kwa mtu yeyote. Niliona chapisho kuhusu daktari anayeitwa Dr.Water, na kutokana na nilivyosoma, alikuwa akitumia dawa za mitishamba kutibu magonjwa kama HERPES, Human papillomavirus, ALS, Diabetes, HIV, na kadhalika. Nilichagua kuwasiliana naye kupitia barua pepe, baada ya mazungumzo machache, niliagiza dawa yake. Akaandaa dawa na kunipelekea mimi. Nilipopokea dawa ya mitishamba, niliinywa kulingana na maagizo yake. Baada ya kuitumia kama nilivyoagizwa, wiki chache baadaye nilienda hospitali kupima damu na kipimo kikatoka na hasi. Kwa mshangao wangu mkubwa, niliponywa virusi hivi vya ukaidi kwa kutumia tu bidhaa rahisi ya mitishamba.
    Ndiyo maana niko hapa kushiriki ushuhuda wangu kadri niwezavyo ili kujenga ufahamu mwingi iwezekanavyo ili watu pia wanufaike na kuponywa pia. wasiliana naye kwa usaidizi, kupitia barua pepe yake: {DRWATERHIVCURECENTRE@GMAIL.COM} au WhatsApp (+2349050205019). hii ni barua pepe yangu ya mtu binafsi: marianosuarezsm@gmail.com, unaniongeza kwenye hangout

  7. I was diagnosed of HSV (Herpes) few years ago and my doctor told me there was no permanent cure for the disease. I was given medication to slow down the progress of the virus. At the initial stage it was not so bad till it progressed to a stage were i had difficulties going about my daily activities because i constantly felt pains in my penis, and around my genital were i had these blisters. I was totally devastated and i was even ashamed to complain to anyone. I saw a publication about a doctor called Dr.Water, and from what i read, he was using herbal medicines to cure illnesses like HERPES, Human papillomavirus, ALS, Diabetes, HIV, and so on. I opted to contacted him via email, after a few dicussion, i ordered for his medicine. He prepared the medicine and shipped it to me. When i received the herbal medicine, I took it according to his instructions. After using it as instructed, few weeks later i went to the hospital to have a blood test and the test came out negetive. To my greatest surprise, i was cured of this stubborn virus just by using a simple herbal product.
    That is why i am here sharing my testimony as much as i can to create as much awareness as possible so that people can also benefit and be cured too. contact him for help, via his email: {DRWATERHIVCURECENTRE@GMAIL.COM} or WhatsApp (+2349050205019). this is my persona email: marianosuarezsm@gmail.com, you add me on hangout
