Wednesday, 1 June 2016


Although it has been used in the making of bread and drinks until now, newest research suggests that this exotic plant can potentially treat infertility and cancer.
The scientific name of this miraculous plant which has originated from the South-American forests is Manihot esculenta, but it is more commonly known as cassava, manioc, Brazilian arrowroot, and tapioca. Cassava tubers belong to the spurge family (Euphorbiaceae) of plants.

However, recent studies have discovered that this plant can be of extreme importance to our health, due to its numerous beneficial properties.
Namely, the leaves are abundant in proteins, lysine and beta-carotene, while its root is a rich source of calcium and vitamin C. The regular consumption of this plant can lead to bone strengthening, and will improve resistance.
What’s more, researchers have found that the Manioc or Cassava plant may be an infallible cure for infertility, severe headaches and arthritis.
Benefits of Manioc or Cassava plant
According to the latest research conducted by, this plant can have extremely powerful effect in the treatment against tumors.
Moreover, tapioca, a delicious starch extract derived from the cassava plant, is believed t be extremely useful and versatile, as it can help in numerous health conditions.
Namely, it is believed to be able to prevent diabetes, protect against birth defects, increase circulation and red blood cell count, maintain fluid balance within the body, lower cholesterol, protect bone mineral density, improve digestion, prevent Alzheimer’s, protect heart health, aid in weight gain.
In addition, people believe that the plant can be extremely helpful n the fight against bladder, colon and prostate cancer.

Preparation for consumption
Remember, due to the fact that its small concentration of poisonous cyanide needs to be eliminated, the plant needs to be cooked thoroughly before consumption.
Before you consume it in order to enjoy its healing benefits, peel it, cut it into pieces, and immerse it in alternating hot and cold water. As soon as it is cooked, you need to put the soaked leaves in the fridge and leave them for a couple hours.
The liquid in which the leaves have soaked should be poured into another liquid solution, like water or fruit juice. Consume this drink before breakfast every morning.

It is a Rich Source of Vitamin B17 Which Is Used to Counter Cancer
The strong anti-cancer activity of the manioc o cassava has been proven once more by the fact that it is abundant in vitamin B17. This vitamin is used in medications to counter cancer.
Having this in mind, Dr. Cynthia Jayasuriya, an ear, nose, and throat surgeon, was diagnosed with transitional cell cancer, so she started investigating foods in order to find the ones that are high in this beneficial vitamin.
She was trying to fight it for almost a decade, and then she decided to try some natural, alternative cancer treatment.
She found out that manioc is a rich source of B17component. Therefore, she started consuming it for a whole month, and she ate about 100 grams of manioc, three times a day. She consumed it boiled in the morning, and as a curry in the afternoon and night.
Believe it or not, after a month, she did a cystoscopy. The results showed not a single trace of her cancer!
Apparently, this is what happens when a cancer patient eats manioc:
Once the manioc is consumed, the manioc’s Vitamin B17 combines in the normal human cell with an enzyme called Rhodanese, which breaks down the B17 into three sugars.
The cancer cell, which is an immature cell, has a different enzyme, beta-glucosidase, which breaks the B17 into glucose, benzaldehyde and hydrocyanic acid. The hydrocyanic acid acts like an LTTE cyanide capsule, killing the cancer cell.
However, when the Vitamin B17 combines with the cancer cell enzyme, it breaks into 1 sugar, 1 benzaldehyde and 1 hydrocyanic acid. The hydrocyanic acid kills the cancer cell locally.

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