Monday, 5 October 2015



• Endometriosis is a common health disorder affecting 

• The condition can cause problems in conceiving 

Symptoms to look for:

• Painful periods

• Painful cramps during menstruation

• Pain in the lower abdomen

• Pain during sexual intercourse

• Painful bowel movement


• Certain cells, which are supposed to grow in the womb 

lining, start to grow outside the uterus, leading  
to this condition

Natural home remedy using milk and asparagus powder:

1. Take 1 glass of warm milk

2. Add 2 tsp of Indian asparagus powder

3. Mix well

4. Drink 2 times a day

Natural home remedy using the Ashoka tree's bark:

1. Crush the bark of an Ashoka tree to powder, commonly 

available at ayurvedic stores

2. Take 2 tbsp of this powder

3. Mix it in 250 ml of water

4. Heat this water till only half the liquid remains

5. Strain the liquid

6. Drink 2 times a day

Natural home remedy using flax seeds:

1. Take 4 tbsp of flax seeds

2. Soak them in 1 cup of water overnight

3. Strain and drink this water the next morning


• Drink pineapple juice to quicken the healing process

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