Sunday, 13 September 2015

This One Fruit Kills Malignant Cells Of 12 Different Types Of Cancer

What would you do if you found out that the extract from a single fruit could keep the rogue cells of 12 different types of cancer in check?
Mainstream media reports that the fruit known as graviola, also known as soursop fruit, guanabana, or guyabano, is not a noteworthy cancer-fighter, but there are studies showing it effectively fights ovarian, colon, breast, prostate, lung, liver, cervical, lymphoma, and pancreatic cancers.
For pancreatic cancer, graviola was shown to be effective at “inhibiting tumorigenicity,” as well as “altering pancreatic tumor cell metabolism,” found one pathologist at the University of Nebraska.
Laboratory research also showed it to be 10,000 times stronger in killing colon cancer cells than Adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapy drug. And Graviola, unlike chemotherapy, can kill cancer cells without harming healthy cells.

What about cervical cancer? Soursop was beneficial in treating this cancer, too, as evidenced in this scientific journal.
Yet another study showed that graviola extract inhibited breast cancer cell growth:
“These data showed that dietary GFE induced significant growth inhibition of MDA-MB-468 cells in vitro and in vivo through a mechanism involving the EGFR/ERK signaling pathway, suggesting that GFE may have a protective effect for women against EGFR-overexpressing BC.”
Or you can read this PDF (download) detailing how a woman stabilized her metastasizing breast cancer with graviola.
And there are indeed more studies. Graviola contains potent anticancerous agents called acetogenins which play a key role towards many varieties of cancer. Acetogenins are potent inhibitors of NADH oxidase of the plasma membranes of cancer cells.
Graviola also contains phytochemicals such as Anonaine, Friedelin, Isolaureline, Annonamine, Anomurine, Kaempferol, Asimilobine, Quercetin, and Xylopine well as compounds such as Annonamine, and Kaempferol.

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