Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Top 5 Home Remedies For Plague

Plague it spreads from rodents due to the bite of a flea. Bubonic plague, septicemic plague and pneumonic plague are the three different types of plague.
Fever, swelling, pain in the chest and abdomen, low blood pressure and difficulty while breathing are some of the symptoms of plague. You can get rid of plague by following some home remedies. Top 5 home remedies for plague are as follows:

5 Various Top Home Remedies For Plague


Take some raw garlic and have it 3-4 times every day. You should also include garlic in your every day cooking. Other than these, you can also take some garlic cloves, crush them well and then add the powder to a cup of water.
After that heat it for some time and then let it steep for at least 20 minutes. Strain it and then drink it. Have 2-3 cups every day as garlic is very effective in treating plague.


Take 2-3 teaspoons of turmeric powder and add it to a cup of tea. Mix it well and then drink it. Have it at least 2 times every day. You can also add some turmeric powder to a glass of water or milk and then have it.
The best way to treat plague is by having 2 teaspoons of turmeric 3-4 times every day or by including turmeric in your daily cooking.


Take a glass of water and heat it well. Then add 2 teaspoons of honey to it. After that mix it well and then drink it. You should have 2-3 glasses of it every day.
For best results you should have it once in the morning and once at night before going to bed. You can also have 1-2 teaspoons of honey 2-3 times every day in order to treat plague.


Take some dried calendula flowers and put them in a cup of water. After boiling it for some time, allow it to steep. Then strain it and drink at least 3 cups every day. You can also take some dried leaves of calendula and grind them.
Then add 2-3 teaspoons of this powder to a glass of water and then have it 2-3 times every day. You can also have the powder directly in order to get rid of plague easily.

Oregano Oil

You should include oregano oil in your daily cooking as it is very effective in treating plague. Take a cup of water and add few drops of oregano oil to it. Then heat it and after that soak a cotton cloth in it. Then take the cloth and apply it all over your body.
Oregano Oil
Massage well for some time. You can also add few drops of oregano oil to your bath water and take a shower with it. This will help you to get rid of the bacteria that caused the plague and thus it will be effective in treating plague.
So getting rid of plague is not that difficult and by following the above mentioned home remedies you can easily get good results within a very short time.

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