Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Natural Cures For Dysentery

Dysentery is a situation that causes soreness and ulceration in the intestines. This situation can affect the digestive system, causing fecal matter to become out of control. The condition arises when an individual consumes food that includes two organisms, bacilli and protozoa.
There are a number of home remedies available to cure dysentery. Dysentery is not a big trouble, but its untreated condition can cause some minor and major problems. Natural treatments are always proven to be the best for eliminating problems related to dysentery.

Best Natural Cures For Dysentery

Raisin Seeds And Dried Orange Peel

The mixture of raisin seeds and dried orange peel has been proven to be one of the best home remedies to cure dysentery. Crush and ground one tablespoon of dried orange peel to form a powder. Then crush one tablespoon of black raisin seeds.
Raisin Seeds
As per the recommendation, it is always better to use raisin seeds as the raisin fruit laxative in natural and can increase the signs of dysentery. Now, mix the powdered orange peel with the crushed raisin seeds. Taking one teaspoon of this mixture can assist in preventing the passing of mucus in your stool and also help to heal the ulcer. For a better result, this mixture must be taken once in a day for three to four days.

Pomegranate And Mango Flower

Pomegranate and mango flower both have calming and astringent properties that can heal the ulcers and other problems related to your intestine. The mango flower includes a styptic property, which can help in curing dysentery. Grind and mix one tablespoon of mango flower and pomegranate flower in a glass of buttermilk. This mixture should be consumed once in a day until your problem disappears.

Raisin Seeds And Pomegranate Seeds

Another best home remedy for dysentery is the paste mixture of pomegranate seeds and raisin seeds.
Take one tablespoon of both the seeds and bring them into a paste and finally add a pinch of salt before consuming. This mixture is a superb remedy to treat dysentery. You should consume this remedy once in a day for about three to four days.

Milk With Pomegranate Peel

You may also add 60gram of pomegranate peel to 250mililitter of milk. This mixture should be boiled until 1/3 of the milk has got evaporated. This medicine should be divided and consumed in parts, three to four times a day.

Mixture Of Fenugreek Seeds And Yogurt

Another superb home remedy formula starts with crushing fenugreek seeds. Use one fourth teaspoon of ground fenugreek seeds (crushed) with one cup of yogurt, and keep the remaining crushed ground fenugreek seeds in a safe place for later use.
Mixture Of Fenugreek
This medicine works well to clear your stool completely and must be taken three to four times every day until you are free from dysentery.

Mixture Of Cumin Seeds, Fenugreek Seeds And Yogurt

A mixture of four teaspoons of yogurt, half spoon of fenugreek seeds and half teaspoon of cumin seeds can prove your way to cure problems related to dysentery.
cumin seeds
For a better result, it is suggested to grind or crush the seeds for easy consumption. This mixture must be consumed twice a day.

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