Tuesday, 2 September 2014

5 Natural Cure For Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea means pausing in breathing briefly while sleeping and most of us think that it is a normal process and nothing to be concerned about. Loud snoring can be a potentially serious disorder in which the breathing stops constantly as you sleep. Sleep apnea often goes unrecognized and is thought to be normal snoring but its symptoms are quite different from normal snoring. 

Breathing is disrupted again and again and becomes quite shallow and pauses at certain times for about ten to twenty seconds. The rhythm of sleep gets broken and you are unable to sleep soundly and deeply. The soft tissue in the back of the throat relaxes and blocks the airway during sleep.
When the air flow stops, the oxygen level in the blood drops and obstructs breathing. Breathing resumes back with a choking or gasping sound. The resulting consequences are fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness and lack of concentration. If untreated, sleep apnea can lead to serious disorders like heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity.

Natural Ways to Cure Sleep Apnea

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea relieves stress and fatigue and induces sound sleep. It relaxes the brain and the nervous system and promotes smooth and easy breathing during sleep. Boil a cup of water and steep two teaspoons of dried chamomile into it for ten minutes. Strain the infusion, add a teaspoon of honey and drink every night before going to bed. Continuous and regular use will soon show the positive effects of this tea on sleep apnea.
Chamomile Tea

Sleep On Your Side

Sleeping supine or on your back decreases the airway potency due to the gravitational effects on the tissues of the body. The weight of the body presses down on the airway and causes an obstruction in regular breathing. Always sleep on your sides. To prevent sleeping on the back, place a rough thick towel in the place where your back would rest. The discomfort will automatically make you roll on your side.
Sleep On Your Side


Hops contain certain neuro stimulators that calm the nervous system and relax the brain. They promote sound sleep without any disruptions in breathing and relieve irritability and moodiness.Put two teaspoons of hops in a cup of boiling and boil for two minutes. Strain the tea and drink three cups daily for a restful night and healthy body.

Breathing Exercise

Breathing exercises are the simplest and the easiest way to get rid of sleep apnea. Sit in a cross legged position comfortably. Rest the back of your hands one on each knee with palm facing upwards. Take a deep breath and count till five. Hold your breath till the count of five. Exhale slowly counting up to six.
Hold your breathing again till the count of four. Repeat these exercises for ten minutes, every morning and in the night before going to bed. These exercises help to supply more oxygen to the brain and enhance its proper functioning. They relax the mind and the nerves and promote regular even breathing and sound sleep.
Breathing Exercise

Black Pepper

Black pepper is very useful in preventing respiratory blockages and in ensuring smooth and regular breathing. Heat a glass of water and add one teaspoon of freshly and finely crushed pepper to it. Mix one teaspoon of honey and sip the hot mixture slowly every night before going to bed.
Black Pepper

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