Tuesday, 2 September 2014

6 Natural Cure For Asthma In Children

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characterized by obstruction and difficulty in breathing. Asthma may result due to many different conditions like allergy, intense exercise, stress, cold, etc. Many Asthmatic patients develop wheezing due to variable obstruction of Trachea (the air passage). Often wheezy bronchitis is mistaken for asthma.
Wheezy bronchitis should not be considered as Asthma as many children in their early years are prone to such condition, but they outgrow these symptoms as they mature. Around 10 percent of children suffer from asthma and for adults the ratio is five percent. Asthma can be cured by several natural ways that stimulates the functionality of excretory glands and also by adopting a proper diet protocols.

6 Tips To Cure Asthma In Children

Mud Packs

Application of mud packs on the abdomen gives relief in the fermentation reasoned by indigested food. It will help to stimulate peristolysis. To prevent congestion of lungs and strengthens them wet mud packs must be applied on the chest. Perspiration with the help of steam bath, sun bath, should be advised for grown up children as it will cause stimulation of the skin and relieves congested lungs.
Mud Packs


Diet plays is very important in the healing of asthma. The diet of a child suffering from asthma should be low in proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Diet with lavish quantity of foods containing fresh fruits, germinated gram and vegetables should be advised.
fresh fruits

Avoid taking phlegm producing foods such as sugar, rice, curd, lentils and fried food that is hard to digest. Asthmatic children should take meal two hours early before going to sleep. Spicy food, pickles, drinks like tea, coffee in excess should be avoided.


Honey is one of the best natural remedy for Asthma. One of the easiest ways of easier and deep breathing is: Take a jug fill with honey and held it near the nose of patient and then ask him/her to inhale the air, which comes in touch with honey. Honey with water or milk is also beneficial to bring relief in asthma.


Take half tablespoon of Turmeric with a glass of milk is an effective remedy for asthma. Repeat this for two to three times a day. This remedy shows best results when the stomach is empty.


Garlic is the best healing of asthma. Boil garlic in 20 ml milk and give regularly to the asthma patient in the beginning of asthma. This will give relief in breathing.

Mustard Oil

Massaging with mustard oil and camphor on back during the attack, it will release the phlegm and helps in ease breathing. Other precautions that are necessary to keep in mind for preventing asthma in children are: milk should be boiled before giving to child, avoid keeping pets in the house, adopt all measures to prevent viral and bacterial infections in children, keep children in dust free environment, etc.
Mustard Oil

Smoking in children’s room should not be allowed as the tobacco smoke, which is easily found in the atmosphere, might stimulate the symptoms in the asthmatic children. The Emotional upsets make the asthmatic kid worse. The parents should remain calm whenever their children get attacks of asthma.
6 Natural Cure For Asthma In Children

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