Tuesday, 2 September 2014

5 Simple Natural Cure For Arthritis In Hands

Arthritis is a painful inflammatory disease of the joints. It causes stiffness and swelling in the joints and over a period of time deforms the joint and destroys it. The wrist joints and the finger joints are involved in hand arthritis. It usually affects both the hands simultaneously.
The wrist and finger joints become tender and swollen and feel hot to the touch. The finger joints produce a creaking sound when moved and there is a numbness or tingling sensation. The disease is caused by the wear and tear of the cartilage and sometimes it is also caused by genetic factors, viral or bacterial infections and an erratic immune system. When the immune system malfunctions, it starts attacking the healthy cells in the lining of the joints which start corroding the joint and decrease its functionality. Hand arthritis makes simple tasks such as eating, holding or lifting extremely difficult and unmanageable.

5 Natural Cure For Arthritis In Hands

Mustard Oil

Mustard oil is extremely beneficial for hand arthritis. This multi-purpose oil has tremendous healing and curative powers as well as huge amounts of nutrients that keep the whole body fit and strong and well functioning. Its anti-inflammatory properties provide instant relief in the pain and swelling and increase the flexibility of the joints. Massage your hands, wrists and fingers with warm mustard oil three times daily.
Mustard Oil

Dried Ginger Powder

Ginger is an age old remedy for all kinds of joint and muscle problems. It has potent analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that relieve the swelling and pain and remove the stiffness from the joints. Its antioxidant properties prevent further damage to the cells and tissues by correcting the function of the immune system and helping it to function optimally.
Ginger Powder
It also detoxifies the entire body and stimulates the blood circulation. Swallow a teaspoon of dried ginger powder with a glass of warm milk, every morning.


Ajwain is very aromatic and pungent. It has been used since time unknown in ayurvedic medicine for healing and curing a vast number of diseases and ailments. It anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties bring great relief in the pain and swelling. Its essential minerals and vitamins provide vital strength to the tissues, tendons and muscles and heal the joint gradually. Mix three teaspoons of ajwain powder with two teaspoons of hot ghee. Add some sugar to the mixture and eat it once every morning.

Guava Leaves

Like the fruit, guava leaves too are full of huge medicinal values. They are superbly rich in phenols which are excellent antioxidants and have pain relieving properties. Put to boil a glass of water. Break five to six guava leaves into small pieces and them to the boiling water.
Guava Leaves
Boil for five minutes. Allow the mixture to stand for half an hour after which strain it and drink it. Drink this, three times daily to get quick relief in the pain.

Black Sesame Seeds

Black sesame seeds are full of calcium and phosphorous which are extremely vital for bone building. They keep the bones in good health and prevent any damage to them. Soak one heaped tablespoon of black sesame seeds in some water overnight. In the morning grind the seeds with the water and drink the milk thus obtained, every morning.
Black Sesame Seeds

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