Wednesday, 3 September 2014

5 Ways To Cure For Hernia

Hernia is caused when part of the stomach protrudes into the thorax because the weakening of the diaphragm or a tear in it. Such a problem is usually caused due to the wrong kind of lifestyle which results in the weakening of the diaphragm which connects the esophagus and the stomach. Hernia often occurs in women after labor and delivery. It can also be caused by lifting heavy weights, hard cough or sneezing, vomiting, and straining the intestines in the case of constipation.
Hernia can be both temporary and permanent in nature. Temporary hernia is also called a sliding hernia and the situation comes back to normal once the pressure on the stomach is taken away. If the stomach does not slide back to its normal position it is known as a fixed hernia. Most of the cases of hernia are of the temporary type. Let us look at how to cure hernia with the help of natural methods as in the allopathic system the only cure is surgery.

5 Ways To Cure Hernia

Maintain A Healthy Digestive System

The first and foremost thing that you need to do is to ensure that your digestive system remains healthy. This can be done by eating the right kinds of foods that do not cause irritation in the gut. Avoid spicy or oily food and also avoid aerated drinks which usually cause excess acid formation and increase the problems like acid reflux which usually occurs if you are suffering from hernia.
Include probiotics like organic yogurt in your diet in order to increase the growth of friendly bacteria which help in the process of digestion and prevent indigestion which can make matters worse. This is one of the most important methods of how to cure hernia.


Chamomile is used extensively as an anti inflammatory in the western herbal system of medicine. It also aids in improving the digestion of the food that you eat. At the same time, chamomile is a mild sedative and will soothe your nervous system. The best way to consume chamomile is in the form of tea. Chamomile is easily available in health food stores and herbal stores.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is really a cure all and is used in order to treat many ailments. For the treatment of problems it is either consumed orally or applied topically.
Apple Cider Vinegar
In the case of how to cure hernia, it is consumed orally. Take one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and add it to one cup of water. Sip this mixture slowly while having your meals.


Calendula like chamomile is an effective anti inflammatory. Its extract is also used in homeopathy for the treatment of various ailments. The best way to consume this herb is in the form of tea, which can be made by steeping the dried herb in one cup boiling hot water for 15 minutes and then straining.

Slippery Elm

This is another popular herb and is used to treat many ailments. Drinking a tea made of this herb will help in alleviating problems like heartburn and acid reflux associated with hernia. Hence if you want to cure hernia, this remedy is effective. However, you have to drink the tea made of this herb on the regular basis.
Slippery Elm

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