Friday, 22 August 2014

Top Natural Cure For Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea, also known as Blennorrhea is an infectious disease which usually affects the vagina and the urethra. Its nature is inflammatory and is caused due tosexual contact, conjunctiva or indirect transmission which means body contact with infected objects.

It can occur among pregnant women as well who transmit it to their children during the time of delivery. The disease can disappear within a few days if attended to, but procrastination can lead to some serious consequences. It can affect the kidney, nervous system, circulatory system, the brain and even lead to male or female sterility. Check out these simple and safe cures for benefit: -

Natural Cure For Gonorrhea


Herbal medicines are one of the best remedies used for combating gonorrhea. Its anti bacterial properties help in eradicating the symptoms and treat the condition fully.

Mongosteen, guyabano fruit juice should be taken regularly in order to eliminate this disease from its roots. Goldenseal and Echinacea are also some examples of herbal medicines which have been proved effective for those want to cure themselves from this infectious disease.


Tea tree oil is one of the most effective remedies used by women. For this, a fresh piece of tampon is to be taken, after which three drops of tea tree oil is to be mixed along with coconut oil, followed by which the tampon should completely absorb this mixture.

After that, it should be used like any other normal tampon. Fresh yogurt can also act a strong alternative compared to tea tree oil. It encourages positive effects and heals one from gonorrhea.


Apple Cider Vinegar is used for external purposes. Five cups of water and one tablespoon ofvinegar is to be mixed thoroughly and used while bathing. The procedure is simple, has been proved beneficial and is used by many all over the world.


A diet that is full of fried and spicy food items increases the chances of gonorrhea; therefore a bland diet is generally advised by doctors. Plenty of fruits and vegetables that have high fluid content especially apples, watermelons and berries should be consumed. Foods that are rich inVitamin C, Vitamin K, amino acids, colloidal silver and zinc should be added to ones diet as well.

Garcinia mangostana is a rare fruit found in Southeast Asian countries. It has strong antibacterial properties that help in fighting gonorrhea. It has a rind skin and white fleshy centre. On needs to peel the skin and consume the centre in the form of a soup or juice just like a medicine. Starchy water that is left behind after cooked rice has also been proved beneficial for gonorrhea affected patients.


Cleanliness acts as an impetus to those who are seeking for complete cure from gonorrhea.Hands are to be washed thoroughly with antiseptic soap after bowel movement or urination. Clothing, utensils, bed linen are to be washed daily. Eyes shouldn’t be touched too much just in case bacteria accidently lodges in and creates visual problems.

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