Friday, 22 August 2014

5 Cures For Kidney Failure

Kidney failure is one of the diseases that are very dreadful. It takes several years to cure the disease properly. Conventional treatments like kidney transplant and dialysis can cause side effects as well as injuries while natural cures do not have such problems. Moreover, it takesshort time to recover from the disease. The chronic form of this disease is also known as chronic renal failure or chronic kidney failure.

Nephropathy, glomerulonephritis, hypertension etc. are some of the causes related to kidney failure. Symptoms of chronic kidney failure include headache, loss of appetite, high blood pressure, swelling of legs, itchiness, chest pain etc. When kidney failure occurs, kidneys are not able to excrete the waste products out of the body. When such waste products are accumulated, it leads to a number of problems like anemia, fatigue, heart disease and may even cause death.

Top Natural Cures for Kidney Failure


Apple cider vinegar is beneficial for the treatment of kidney failure. It has been found to be effective in breaking kidney stones. It helps by acting as diuretics. It has antibacterial properties helpful for fighting against the infections caused due to bacteria.
Dandelion is a medicinal herb helpful for the patients suffering from kidney failure. Leaves and roots of this herb have been found to have beneficial properties. Both the leaves and roots can be boiled and then used for the treatment of kidney failure.


Consumption of protein in high amount is not good for the health of patients suffering from kidney failure. Protein intake should be reduced to forty grams on a per day basis. If we take more proteins, these proteins would be broken down to produce more waste products. It puts more pressure on the kidneys to eliminate the waste products.


Salt in excessive amount is not good for the health of patients suffering from kidney failure. One should avoid the consumption of added salt. It also reduces sodium content as well.
Foods that contain added salt like fast foods, frozen dinners and canned soups should also be avoided. Other foods such as processed meat, salty snack food, cheese and canned vegetables should not be taken by the patients

Baking Soda is helpful in the treatment of kidney failure. It helps in slowing down the chronic kidney disease. Baking soda has the property of neutralizing the solution helpful for healing the kidney related problems.
Water is beneficial for the treatment of kidney failure. Water can be boiled for around fifteen to twenty minutes. One can keep it in thermos. Consumption of one to two sips after every half an hour for the whole day would be recommended. It can be taken similar to a hot tea.


Consumption of foods containing high amount of potassium is not good for the patients suffering from kidney failure. These foods include spinach, banana, tomato, orange and potato.
One should take foods that contain lower amount of potassium that include green beans, apples, strawberries, grapes and cabbage etc.

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