Saturday 23 August 2014

Top 8 Natural Cures For Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is a type of cancer which is very difficult to treat. Patients suffering from pancreatic cancer have only four percent survival rate over the five years. Natural cures are available that can be used for reducing the symptoms associated with pancreatic cancer and helping in fast recovery. Symptoms and signs of pancreatic cancer are generally not visible in the beginning and hence its late diagnosis can result in death. 
That’s why patients who suffer from pancreatic cancer have very high death rate. Symptoms of pancreatic cancer include abdominal pain, weight loss, depression, blood clots, jaundice, digestive problems etc. Only twenty five percent of the patients who use traditional methods of treatment survive in the first twelve months. Natural cures can be used in reducing the symptoms of prostatic cancer.

8 Top Natural Cures For Pancreatic Cancer


Nigella sativa is beneficial for the patients suffering from prostatic cancer. It is also called as black cumin and has been found to have medicinal properties. It contains vitamins and minerals required for strengthening of the immune system. Its consumption as three times on a daily basis is recommended. It can also be used in the form of oil. Take a teaspoon of the oil and mix it with honey. It can also be taken in the form of vitamin pill on a daily basis.
Consumption of this mixture half an hour before taking breakfast, in the afternoon and before going to sleep is beneficial for the patients. Patients suffering from diabetes can use this oil by placing it in capsule. Another method is to mix the oil with fresh orange juice. Consumption of the mixture by adding the oil in half cup of orange juice is helpful. The oil can also be mixed with raw honey. Do not use pasteurized honey.


Garlic is helpful in the treatment of prostatic cancer. Consumption of four garlic cloves on a daily basis is recommended.
Green tea is useful for the treatment of prostatic cancer. It contains an active ingredient called catechin which helps in inhibiting the growth of cells. It has been found in the research study that consumption of green tea helps in reducing the risk of prostatic cancer.


Consumption of foods that can worsen the condition of patients suffering from prostatic cancer is beneficial. One should avoid taking the processed foods either. Taking red meat is also not good for the health of patients.
Sugar is not good as it can increase the risk of prostatic cancer. Eliminating sugar and artificial sweeteners from the diet is helpful. One should not drink juice as it may increase the risk of prostatic cancer. Consumption of carbonated sodas is also harmful and should be avoided.


Vitamin D3 is beneficial in the treatment of prostatic cancer. It is obtained from natural sunlight. Do not expose the body under sunlight for longer time as it may cause sunburn. This natural cure has been found to be an efficient method of treating prostatic cancer.
Triphala is helpful for the treatment of prostatic cancer. It is a very popular remedy for treating prostatic cancer. It helps in the inhibition of growth of cells that may cause prostatic cancer. It contains very beneficial ingredients viz. belleric myrobalan, amla and myrobalan.


Folic acid can be helpful in the treatment of prostatic cancer. Consumption of folic acid in the food reduces the risk of prostatic cancer. It can be taken in the form of supplements. Increasing the level of folate in the food may also help in treating breast cancer and colorectal as well. It is commonly found in vegetables and fruits.
Lycopene is useful for the treatment of prostatic cancer. It is found in tomatoes and may help in reducing the risk of prostatic cancer. It can be taken in the form of supplements.


Calcium is beneficial in the treatment of prostatic cancer. It is an alkaline food which can fight against the acidic foods. It can be taken in the form of supplements. It has therapeutic properties that help in absorption of calcium in the body. Consumption of calcium may help in reducing the risk of constipation also. It can be taken in the form of capsule. Consumption of at least six capsules of coral calcium is beneficial.
Vitamin D is helpful for the treatment of prostatic cancer. It can be obtained from sunlight.Consumption of five thousand international units of vitamin D helps in the absorption of calcium in the body. It also helps in reducing the risk of prostatic cancer.


Onion is useful for the patients suffering from prostatic cancer. It is also an alkaline food like calcium that helps in counteracting the effects of acidic foods. It contains oxygen which is essential for the body. This oxygen helps in bringing extra oxygen helpful for fighting against cancerous cells. This natural cure has been found to be effective in curing cancer.
Acupuncture is helpful in the treatment of prostatic cancer. This is a Chinese technique that involves insertion of needles into the skin at specific points for curing the pain as well as the disease.


Exercise is beneficial for the patients of prostatic cancer. It also helps in maintaining a healthy body weight which reduces the risk of cancer. Yoga is a very good technique that helps in strengthening the body. Breathing exercises are very helpful that provide relaxation to the body.
Therapies like chemotherapy, radiotherapy and targeted therapy are beneficial for the patients suffering from prostatic cancer. While chemotherapy uses drugs, radiation therapy uses only radiation.  The drugs used in chemotherapy help in killing the cancerous cells and inhibiting their growth. It may cause side effects like mouth sores, vomiting, fatigue and nausea.
Radiotherapy is another type of therapy which is used for shrinking the tumor and reducing the pain associated with tumor. It may cause side effects like loss of appetite, fatigue, skin rashes and sores in oesophagus. Other than these therapies, immune therapy is also helpful for the patients.


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