Saturday 23 August 2014

Top 10 Natural Cures For Enlarged Heart

Enlarged heart is a condition of abnormal size of the heart. In enlarged heart, as the name specifies, the size of the heart becomes larger than a normal heart. Actually, muscular walls of the heart get enlarged. It is also known as cardiomegaly. It is often a symptom related to a number of diseases. The enlarged heart can be detected using electrocardiograms, x-rays and echocardiograms. Symptoms of enlarged heart include dizziness, arrhythmia, cough and shortness of breath. Causes that are associated with enlarged heart include heart valve disease, high blood pressure and cardiomyopathy. Hypertrophy and dilation are the two types of heart enlargement problems.
Thyroid diseases and anemia for long term duration may also lead to the problem of enlarged heart. Deficiency of nutrients, consumption of alcohol and iron in excessive amount, lack of exercise etc. are some of the factors that can cause enlarged heart. People who are old are more likely to get affect from enlarged heart.
Both psychological and pathological reasons are found to be associated with enlarged heart. Though enlarged heart is treated well with medications and surgery, natural cures can be very beneficial for the patients as they can reduce the symptoms associated with the disease.

10 Top Natural Cures For Enlarged Heart


Curcumin is beneficial for the treatment of enlarged heart. It is an active ingredient present in turmeric which is one of the most popular Indian spices. It also reduces the chance of developing heart failure in the patients.
When taken orally, this herb helps in restoring the function of heart. It has a number of beneficial properties that are helpful in healing the scar formation as well.


Lemon is helpful in the treatment of enlarged heart. Juice prepared from lemons has been found to be beneficial. Take one lemon and squeeze it in a bowl. Add pepper and salt in this juice.
Consumption of this juice on a daily basis is recommended. This natural cure is useful in treating hypertension as well. It also makes the capillary walls stronger.


Taking a good sleep at night is helpful for the patients suffering from enlarged heart. One should take rest for around eight hours. A sound sleep at each night would be very helpful.
Exercise is beneficial in the treatment of enlarged heart. One should do physical activities as well. One should consult the doctor about the physical activity which may be good for the patients.Exercising on a regular basis is helpful for pumping up the heart and reducing weight as well. Doing aerobic exercise on a regular basis is helpful for shrinking the enlarged heart.


Molasses are useful for the patients suffering from enlarged heart. This natural cure helps in reducing the risk of heart failure. It can be used in combination with cayenne pepper and vinegar.
Take one teaspoon of blackstrap molasses and mix it with cayenne pepper and vinegar. Honey can also be added for taste. Consumption of this mixture one time on a daily basis is recommended.


Patients of enlarged heart should avoid the things that can worsen the conditions of the patients.One should avoid the consumption of alcohol as it can increase the risk of heart diseases. Smoking is also not good for the health of patients.
One should rather quit smoking for getting better results in the treatment process. Salt is not good for the patients of enlarged heart. One should limit the intake of salt. Consumption of food that contains less salt would be beneficial.


Maintaining a healthy body weight is beneficial for the patients suffering from enlarged heart. Obesity can lead to heart problems and hence one should try to maintain a healthy body weight. Exercise can be helpful for losing some extra weight. Consumption of foods that do contain unsaturated fats is better for the patients.
Consumption of some foods can be very beneficial for the patients suffering from enlarged heart.These foods include fresh vegetables and fruits. They contain nutrients that are beneficial for the body. Taking these foods would reduce the risk of heart disease among the patients.


Juice prepared from asparagus is beneficial for the treatment of enlarged heart. The juice can also be mixed along with honey. The mixture can be prepared by mixing asparagus juice and honey in 2:1 ratio. Consumption of one teaspoon of this mixture three times on a daily basis is recommended.
Green tea is useful in the treatment of enlarged heart. It also helps in regulating the levels of cholesterol in the body. Consumption of green tea on a regular basis is recommended.
This natural cure helps in eliminating the toxic materials out of the body. It would help in the management of weight issues and ultimately making the body healthy.


Mint is helpful for the patients suffering from enlarged heart. Leaves of mint would be very helpful in controlling the high blood pressure as well. Take the leaves of mint herb and prepare a powder from it.
Add this powdered form of mint leaves in some water to prepare a solution. Consumption of two teaspoons of this solution on a daily basis is recommended. It also helps in treating hypertension as well.


Water is beneficial for the treatment of enlarged heart. It helps in keeping the body hydrated. Consumption of at least eight glasses of water on a daily basis is recommended. This natural remedy helps in removing the toxic materials out of the body. Keeping the body hydrated would help in making the body healthy and fit.


Onion is useful in the treatment of enlarged heart. Juice prepared from onion has been found to be beneficial. Consumption of one teaspoon of onion juice on an empty stomach is recommended during the morning time. This natural cure helps in normalizing the level of cholesterol in the blood.
Carrot is beneficial for the patients suffering from enlarged heart. Juice can be extracted from carrot. It can be mixed with juice prepared from alfalfaTake one third juice of alfalfa and mix it in two third carrot juice. Consumption of this mixture on a daily basis is recommended as it helps in treating heart enlargement well.


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