Monday, 18 August 2014


Gastritis has been identified to be a very common digestive disorder and it is difficult to come across a person who hasn’t experienced the problem at least once. It is characterised by an inflammation of the lining of the stomach, related pain, cramp, loose stools etc.

The fast mode of life of junk food, less exercise and restricted movements add to the worries. Anyhow, herbal remedies for gastritis have been in vogue in our traditional practices and they are proved effective even today.



The root of Licorice has demulcent, anti-ulcer, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties which make it a popular remedy to relieve the disorder due to gastritis. Being a demulcent Licorice helps to soothe the lining of the stomach by providing a coating. This helps to reduce the irritation caused due to gastritis.Licorice root has been used for treating gastro intestinal disorders in ancient times by Greek, Arab, Chinese as well as Indians. The healing effect is attributed to the chemical compounds found in licorice, especially glycyrrhizic acid, which inhibits the formation of ulcers due to gastritis.


Studies have shown that Artichoke has a significant effect in reducing the symptoms of gastritis. Due to gastritis the patient may experience heart burn or acidity. Artichoke relieves the situation by stimulating production of more of digestive juices and mucus inside the stomach, which will soothe the lining of the stomach that has been weakened due to inflammation. Apart from being a rich source of dietary fibre, artichokes also contain cyanin, a phyto chemical that stimulates bile production and thereby accelerates digestion. It also contains cyanaropicrin, another chemical with anti-inflammatory properties.


The rhizomes of ginger have been found to be an effective remedy for gastritis related stomach ailments. Due to its anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties, ginger has been used to treat gastritis from ancient times.Ginger also has detoxifying effect and improves digestion. The rhizomes are crushed and extract taken for oral administration.


The roots of this herb find immense use in herbal medicine to alleviate stomach ulcers and gastritis apart from other medical uses. Herbalists suggest that the astringent effect this herb has on the mucous membrane of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract, helps to reduce theinflammation caused due to gastritis. Golden seal also improves digestion by increasing production of bile and digestive juices.


Almost every house has a stock of peppermint capsule or oil, as it is much sought after for gastritis related disorders. Mint leaves induce the production of more digestive juices as well as bile, so as to ensure a smooth and fast digestion.It also helps to relax the stomach muscles and reduces spasms of the intestinal muscles. The herb also has anti-ulcer as well as anti-inflammatory properties that make it a perfect medicine for gastritis.


This is a popular spice that finds an important place in the cuisines of India and Latin American countries. Cumin is a perfect remedy for gastritis as it contains a chemical called cumin aldehyde and thymol which stimulate production of adequate amount of digestive juices, thus ensuring a trouble-free digestion.

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