Monday, 18 August 2014


Pregnancy is a special time in every woman’s life. However, there are certain pregnancy related complications that should be taken care of without fail. Eclampsia is actually a life threatening pregnancy complication that affects about 5 to 10 percent of women every year.

It is a kind of acute malnutrition and the common symptoms are seizures, nausea, constipation and physical weakness and so on. While it is extremely important to seek medical help, you can also opt for trying these herbal remedies for curing Eclampsia. Read ahead!



Chamomile has always been in the list of herbal remedies owing to the vast number of health benefits it has. Chamomile tea can be consumed on a daily basis for a healing effect on Eclampsia.
Opt for drinking only one cup of chamomile tea in a day as over consumption of this herb may result in allergy. However, it is advised that you must consult your doctor before you start the consumption of chamomile tea during pregnancy.

Red Raspberry Leaves

Red raspberry leaves are very beneficial for the health of pregnant ladies. In case you are suffering from Eclampsia then you can go for an oral intake of these leaves in the form of an herbal tea.
Red raspberry leaves are highly beneficial in curing morning sickness and enabling the uterus to function properly. It relieves nausea and all sorts of stomach ailments as well. It is of high nutritious value to the body.

Nettle Leaves

Another essential herb that is of great benefit to pregnant ladies is the nettle leaf. It has amazing healing effects for Eclampsia. Also known as Urtica diotca, nettle leaves form the base of most herbal based pregnancy tonics.
Nettle leaves are a storehouse of chlorophyll and they have a considerable quantity of sulphur, iron, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Vitamin K. You can opt for drinking nettle leaf tea as it is helpful in nourishing the fetus and aids in alleviating cramps and in reducing hemorrhoids.

Dandelion Leaves

A sufficient intake of calcium is very essential during pregnancy. Inadequate amount of calcium in the body is one of the major reasons of Eclampsia in pregnant women.Thus, it is advised that you opt for consuming fresh dandelion leaves or herbal medicines that contain the extract of this plant.
Dandelion leaves are a storehouse of calcium and can offer you more calcium than 100 grams milk.


Another beneficial herb that should be consumed by all ladies suffering from Eclampsia is the parsley. Parsley is an easily available herb and you can get it at all local grocery shops. Parsley is tremendously rich in vitamins and minerals and is also known to comprise of Vitamin A and Vitamin C, calcium as well as phosphorus.
Thus, it is advised to make use of parsley in your daily meals. Include them in your salads and soups. You can also munch on raw parsley leaves for the best outcomes. Remember, if you are having a proper diet more than half of your pregnancy related complications will be taken care of.

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