Sunday 17 August 2014


Meningitis is a medical condition that affects the brain lining and spinal cord. This is primarily because of the viral spread or bacterial action that spreads from the base of your brain to the spinal cord. This acute medical condition is common in densely populated areas with cold seasons.
This medical condition’s symptoms are often mistaken as cold or flu symptoms. Therefore, it is beneficial for your condition if you try some herbal remedies for meningitis, as they are highly helpful to cure the symptoms associated with this condition. Read this article further to know how some wonderful herbs can offer relief from this situation.


Goodness of Ancient Chinese Herb, Ginseng

This Chinese herb called Ginseng possesses various healing properties that make it a popular ingredient in ancient Asian medicines. Taking ginseng everyday will help improve the immune system in your body, which is highly beneficial for the condition of meningitis. You can take this herb as soon as you discover the first sign of this illness, as it will help you fight this condition at its beginning stage. This herb can be taken in the form of pill, tincture, tea or capsules.

The Healing Characteristics of Astralgus

Astralgus is equipped with natural and inherent healing abilities that can improve your immune system. This herb can work wonders if administered during the initial stage as it can clear all thesymptoms without a trace. This herb is also called as milk vetch as it can rejuvenate your immune system. The extracts of the root can be infused as a tea and can be consumed by the patient for four times a day.

Uncaria Guianensis / Uncaria Tomentosa / Cat’s Claw

Cat’s claw is a woody vine that grows in Central and South America that has been used by its natives as an anti-inflammatory for centuries. This herb has the ability to kindle your immune system in the body and is prescribed by medical professionals. This herb is very effective in curing the inflammation and is useful for treating meningitis. Many studies reveal that it is one among the best herbal remedies for meningitis.

Enhance Your Immunity With Reishi Mushroom

Reishi mushroom is termed by herbalists and Chinese medicine practitioners as the mushroom of immortality. This is because of the rich and potent medicinal qualities it possesses. The cap and stem of the mushroom is used as medicinal extracts. The ability of this herb to improve the immunity system makes it the best among herbal remedies for meningitis.

Prevent Cell Damages With Olive Leaf

Olive leaves contain the goodness of oleuropein that is rich in powerful antioxidants. It can eliminate free radicals from your body and flush out the toxins there by preventing the cell damage. Once you begin to take this plant extract, it is converted in to elenoic acid. This helps you prevent virus and bacteria from multiplying and growing. This herb will keep off from all the viral and bacterial infections arising from this medical condition.


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