Sunday 17 August 2014


If you have excessive bleeding during periods, bleeding for a week of more, need to change sanitary napkins every couple of hours, you may be suffering from Menorrhagia. Mostly, stress, hormonal imbalance, endometriosis, pelvic lesions or infections or uterine growths, are main causes of menorrhagia.

There are some excellent herbs you can try for dealing with this menstruation problem, however if the problem persists and you observe any further complications, please visit a medical practitioner to avoid any major health problems.



Agrimony is a very ancient Chinese herb and popular in Ayurveda for treatment of various feminine health problems, perhaps best known as an effective herb to regulate menstruation bleeding. Agrimony is widely used as a mild astringent and a tonic, to relax the uterus muscles and relieving stress and repairing hormonal imbalance.
It is safe and non-toxic in moderate amounts, however excessive use could aggravate constipation. Use 1 teaspoon of dried herb to each cup hot water for making a herbal tea, the longer you let it steep, the more tannins are extracted.


Codonopsis, also referred as Panax ginseng in herbal tonics, is used as an astringent in excessive uterine bleeding. Herbalists believe that it strengthen the immune system, stimulates the nervous system, dilates peripheral blood vessels, and inhibits adrenal cortex activity.
Thereby relaxing mind and body. You can prepare a herbal tea with its powdered form or take it as tablets or tinctures, easily available at herbal medical stores.

Black Haw And Cramp Bark

Black haw and cramp bark, both of these herbs act in similar ways and both have been used for various health problems related to women. These herbs relax the uterus and thereby relieve uterine cramps and painful periods, regulate menstruation bleeding, and overhaul hormonal imbalance.
Some evidence suggests cramp bark may aggravate tinnitus and therefore not for patients suffering from kidney stones. You can take these herbs in the form of tea, tinctures, tablets. You can also use them with other herbs such as ginger, motherwort or Valerian to relieve cramps.

Lady’s Mantle

Lady’s Mantle is an easily found herb and its leaves and flowers are used for medicated purposes. It is an excellent remedy for menstruation problems and considered as a woman’s healing herb. It contains salicylic acid, and therefore has sedative properties to minimize cramps and relieve painful menstruation.
It contains tannin because of which it has astringent and styptic properties to relax the uterus and regulate heavy bleeding and pain. You can prepare herbal teas with its leaves and flowers or can get extracts from herbal medical stores.

Stinging Nettle

Stinging Nettles are very effective herb for treating various female health problems and considered one of the best natural tonics for the female system. Nettles are excellent for young women just starting their monthly cycle as well as women entering menopause. It works very effectively on women suffering from menorrhagia.
You can simply cook nettles until tender and seasoned with just a little butter. You can also prepare herbal teas or take its extract from herbal medical stores to get rid of menstruation problems.


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