Sunday, 17 August 2014


Usually people tend to ignore abrasions as something that happens in a course of daily activities. However, the truth is that any tear in your skin even if it is minor should be treated properly because it can easily get infected and cause serious problems. Abrasions are shallow cuts and tears in the upper layer of the skin. It is more of a scrape rather than a laceration.

It usually happens when you make contact with a rough surface. The usual treatment for abrasions that people use, are antibiotic ointments and lotions. However these antibiotics are very harsh in nature and can cause harmful side effects. Instead there are some herbal remedies for abrasions which can treat the problem without any side effects.


Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is well known for its medicinal and antiseptic properties. It is extensively used in treating bacterial and fungal skin infections. If used as a prophylactic it will prevent an infection from occurring.
Hence, it is a very good remedy for abrasions of all kinds. Just take a cotton ball, soak it in water and wring out the excess water. Then put a few drops of tea tree oil on the cotton ball and apply on the abrasion with a light touch. Use this remedy twice a day till the abrasion has healed completely. This is one of the good herbal remedies for abrasions.

Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is an excellent astringent and has strong anti inflammatory properties. At the same time it also has disinfectant properties which will keep the wound sterile and fight off infection.Just soak a cotton ball in some witch hazel and apply directly on the abrasion. Leave it on for as much time as you can. Try this remedy twice a day for the required amount of time.

Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is very good for abrasions and has anti septic and astringent properties. It will not only keep the wound free from infection, but will also ensure that the tissue around the wound becomes tight and hence does not cause inflammation.Again the method of using this essential oil is the same as tea tree oil. Lavender oil is one of the best herbal remedies for abrasions.

Aloe Vera

As with all skin problems Aloe Vera is also an excellent remedy for abrasions. Aloe Vera is anti inflammatory and anti bacterial in nature. It is possible to buy Aloe Vera sprays and lotions, but the best way to use this remedy is to take the juice from the leaves of the plant directly.
Just slice open a leaf and apply the juice directly on the wound. The application of this gel will provide instant relief from any burning or pain in the abrasion. At the same time, the healingprocess will be made faster due to the use of this herbal remedies for abrasions.


Take some thyme and steep it to form a tea. Wash the abrasion with this tea when it has cooled down to a lukewarm temperature.This will keep the wound disinfected and speed up the healing process if you follow this tip on the regular basis.

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