Thursday, 14 August 2014

Top 10 Effective Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Backache

Among the various health problems existent, one of the common ones is that of muscle pains. The body can experience it in different parts from time to time. One of the major reasons for this condition is extreme stress on a particular part or bad posture. Backache is one such common issue that affects about every 7 out of 10 people.
It is always advisable to opt for natural and safe cures as compared to drugs and medicines that can have a set of side effects. This list below gives you the top 10 most effective and affordable home remedies for backache. Pick one and follow it regularly for best results.

Home Remedies for Backache

1. Ginger:

Ginger root is supposedly one of the natural products with uncountable benefits including the treatment of backache. The anti-inflammatory properties work well on the muscles and help them relax. Some fresh ginger paste can be applied on the affected area followed by an application of little eucalyptus oil. Ginger tea can also be prepared by boiling some pieces in water and adding some honey after straining it. This can be taken each day to reduce the stiffness of the muscles.

2. Garlic:

About 2-3 cloves of garlic can be taken each morning on an empty stomach for getting rid of backache. Garlic oil can also be used to massage the painful areas. Coconut oil or mustard oil can be mixed with 8-10 cloves of crushed garlic and heated until the garlic is brown. This can be cooled and stored. Apply it for about 20-30 minutes before taking a shower.

3. Basil Leaves:

Take about 10 leaves of fresh basil and boil them in a cup of water till the time the amount reduces to half. This should be cooled down to room temperature and then a little salt should be added. This should be consumed twice each day by those who have severe backache and once by those who have mild issues.

4. Ice Packs:

An ice pack, also known as a cold compress, is one of the top home remedies for all kinds of aches including that in the back. It not only reduces the pain but also cures the swelling in the area. Ice bags are available in the market that can be filled with ice cubes and applied on the back for about 15 minutes. This should be done at a regular interval of 1-2 hours for instant relief.

5. Massage:

Getting a back massage from a professional masseur is one of the effective home remedies for backache. Any form of oil can be used as a lubricant to ensure that the hands move smoothly. A massage always helps in treating backaches.

6. Warm Shower:

A warm water shower helps in reducing the stiffness of the muscles which is one of the reasons of backache. Taking a warm water bath for about 10-15 minutes each day will help you de-stress as well as treat the aches in your body.

7. Chamomile Tea:

Chamomile herbal tea is a wonderful home remedial solution for backache. Just a cup of warm tea will help you get more than the desired outcome. It relaxes the tissues and helps in relieving the ache. Packaged tea bags are available in the market.

8. Milk:

Milk is one of the best sources of calcium. It helps in keeping the bones strong and the muscles healthy. Having a glass or two of milk each day will not only prevent various health problems but also treat existing ones like backache. A little honey can be used to sweeten the milk.

9. Water:

Water is one of the ways to flush out toxins from the body, especially from the muscles. In case of any form of stiffness, having plenty of water improves blood circulation to the area and relaxes the muscles. It also reduces the swelling. Adhere to 10 glasses of water each day for best outcomes. This is the best natural remedy for backache.

10. Wheat:

There are some compounds present in wheat that leave an analgesic effect on the body and thus, relieve backache. For extracting maximum benefits, one needs to soak a handful of good quality wheat in water for an entire night. Early in the morning, mix it with cuscus grass and coriander. Add a cup of milk to this and boil until thick. This should be consumed twice each day.
The top 10 home remedies for backache mentioned above should be taken with proper guidance and on a routine basis to get the results. Home remedies work a little slow in producing results but are certainly worth the effort.

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