Thursday, 14 August 2014

Top 10 Effective Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Diarrhoea

Summers are about pool parties and flip flops and rain dance. But the other side of summers that you would rather not experience is a runny stomach!
A big health problem that is faced by many people in the scorching summer months is stomach upset, or, diarrhea.
Diarrhea is characterized by very watery and loose stools. It is accompanied with vomiting, acute stomach pain, fever, nausea, thirst, loss of appetite and dehydration.
Contrary to what most of us feel, diarrhea is in fact a natural process of the body to purge all the toxins and waste. To deal with the food overload we subject it to, the body reacts this way to get rid of the undesirable substances.
The best way to keep diarrhea at bay is to eat healthy.
There are various medications that one can take to cure the same, but you can also use some easy home remedies that are equally effective. Here are the top 10 remedies for diarrhea that are sure to help you feel better in no time.

Home Remedies for Diarrhea

1. Fenugreek Seeds:

Fenugreek seeds have a high content of mucilage and therefore add bulk to your stools. It sets you free from of the discomfort of passing loose and watery stools.
Simply swallow a handful of fenugreek seeds with yoghurt or plain water each morning.Alternatively, grind fenugreek seeds and consume it in the powdered form with a warm glass of water.Though the concoction will taste bitter, it will do wonders in improving the severity of diarrhea.
A word of caution – check with your doctor before you medicate your child with fenugreek seeds.

2. Bananas:

Banana is rich in pectin, a soluble fiber that helps in absorbing the liquid in the intestines.This helps by absorbing excess liquid in the intestines and makes your stool get less watery.Bananas are also rich in potassium. These can help replace the electrolytes that your body loses due to the frequent bowel movements.
Mash a whole banana and add a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of tamarind to it.Mix well and eat this twice a day to settle an upset stomach in a jiffy.Alternatively, eat two bananas with your breakfast.
This will curb the infection and also improve your stomach’s health.

3. Blueberries:

Blueberries are a delicacy. Blueberries are also rich in anthocyanosides that are said to have antibacterial and antioxidant properties.These will work on nurturing your tummy back to health.They also contain pectin that is said to ease symptoms of diarrhea.
You can make a sumptuous soup out of these berries. Alternatively, you can chew a handful of dried berries.You can also make yourself some flavored tea by boiling crushed blueberries in a cup of water on a low flame for 10 minutes. This will kill the germs causing the diarrhea.

4. Orange Peel Tea:

Drinking plenty of tea when you are dehydrated is a remedy on its own. Add to it the benefit of the orange peels and you have a homemade concoction that will give you relief from diarrhea.
Drop in chopped peels into one half cup of hot boiling water and allow it cool.Once cooled, drink this tea several times a day with a dash of lemon and honey.
Be sure that you wash the orange peels thoroughly under running water as they are laden with pesticides.

5. Potatoes:

Potatoes are a sumptuous delight that add flavor and taste to just about any dish.
Potatoes are rich in starch and will be your comrade in fighting diarrhea.Eat plain and boiled potatoes that will help restore the nutrients lost by the body.Sprinkle some salt and pepper if you find it too bland.

6. Plain White Rice:

There is nothing better than a meal of hot and steaming rice too soothe the tummy.
Simply cook some rice and potatoes together and have it for your meal.Rice is high in starch and very easy to digest, hence will aid your body in fighting the infection.Along with small portions of rice, also drink rice water, broth, vegetable juices and plain water to quicken your recovery.

7. Kefir:

If you want to recover faster and stay healthy, it’s time you make kefir-live culture yoghurt a staple food in your diet. Whether the diarrhea was caused by consumption of antibiotics that killed beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract or by certain specific food choices, yoghurt is sure to pamper you back to health.
Eat a few cups of yoghurt a day.Rich in gut-friendly bacteria, the yoghurt will flush out the toxins from the body and improve the health of your digestive system.

8. Chamomile:

If you are wriggling with stomach cramps, make yourself some herbal chamomile tea.Chamomile is rich in tannins and known to possess antispasmodic properties. It will comfort and pamper your upset stomach.

Add one teaspoon of chamomile flowers and one teaspoon of peppermint in a cup of boiling water.Allow the mixture to steep and drink it 3 times a day to fasten the healing process.

9. Avoid Certain Foods:

If you are down with diarrhea, there are certain food choices you should stay away from.
Avoid greasy and high fiber food.These foods are heavy on the stomach and do not digest easily.
Milk and dairy products are a strict ‘NO’.The small intestine is also affected by diarrhea and hence the body will struggle to process these foods.Yoghurt however, is an exception, the more you eat the better.

10. Ginger:

Ginger is a magic ingredient that does wonders for your body in many ways.Consuming ginger boosts the digestive system and wards away infections.
Mix a teaspoon of honey, cumin powder, ginger powder and cinnamon powder and drink.
Consuming this mixture thrice a day will make you feel better.Alternatively, make some ginger tea or drink copious quantities of ginger ale to ease cramps.
While these remedies for diarrhea are sure to help, ensure you consume plenty of fluids and take ample rest. Sometimes, a good night’s sleep is all you need to bounce back to health.

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