Thursday, 14 August 2014

Top 10 Effective Home Remedies To Cure Arthritis

You may feel this sensation in the knee, hands, and even hips and other joints throughout the body, particularly early in the mornings, accompanied with numbness and stiffness of the affected joints. If yes, think back and try to answer the following:
Did you lift weights the previous day? Or go trekking? Or indulge in some sports? If you feel excruciating or mild and nagging pain in the joints for no apparent reason, you may have just developed arthritis.
Arthritis is a condition where your joints begin to swell up. It is quite common today, with more than 9 million Indians reported to be under the grip of rheumatoid arthritis (and there are over 100 different types of arthritis!) More than a whopping 43 million Americans are said to suffer from one form of arthritis or the other. The numbers are huge, but while there are no cures to cure you of arthritis, there are several remedies that you can try at home to alleviate the symptoms and lead an active life.

Home Remedies for Arthritis:

1. Exercise:

Keep moving, as this can help keep your joints functioning. Small activities like walking and gardening instead of sleeping all day can help your joints. Talk to your orthopaedic and learn a range of motion exercises. Light exercise like swimming or leg lifts and arm curls will strengthen your muscles while you move your joints.

2. Apple cider vinegar:

Rich in vital minerals that strengthen your bones and joints, ACV will help alleviate symptoms of arthritis. Consuming some ACV that is rich in magnesium, potassium and calcium will strengthen your joints and muscles and also remove the buildup of toxins in the connective tissues and joints.
For an alkalizing effect, drink a cup of warm water with one teaspoon of ACV and honey each, on an empty stomach.

3. Mustard Oil:

Mustard oil is natural ointment that will help improve blood circulation in the joints and hence reduce pain.
  • Heat some mustard oil in a small wok, until slightly warm.
  • Add to it an equal quantity of onion juice and rub it gently over the painful joints.
  • Cover with a plastic sheet and use a warm compress to reduce both inflammation and pain.

4. Epsom water bath:

Epsom salt is a good source of magnesium that helps regulate the pH levels in the body.
  • Warm a half cup of water and add some lemon juice and Epsom salt
  • Swallow one teaspoon of this mixture thrice a week for relief from inflammation and pain.
  • Alternatively, prepare a tub of hot water. Add 4 cups of Epsom salt to the bath and have a rejuvenating bath.

5. Cinnamon:

Cinnamon can be used to alleviate pain and help you get on with your day to day chores without trouble.
  • Mix one tablespoon of honey with a pinch of cinnamon powder in a mugful of warm water and consume each morning on an empty stomach.
  • You can also use the paste without water as a pain relieving ointment.

6. Dairy products:

Arthritis can be a dilapidating condition that can worsen if left unattended. Medication consumed to treat arthritis can bring down the levels of calcium in the body. To counteract this consume low fat yoghurt, milk and other dairy products. You can safely consume 1000 mg of calcium a day to protect your bones and control arthritis.

7. Adjustments in the kitchen:

Little adjustments in your kitchen can help you cope with arthritis, and protect the arthritic joints from injury or strain.
  • Shop for kitchen drawer pulls that need a less stressful grip.
  • You can also tape a layer of thin foam rubber on the handles of brooms or mops as more padding means easier handling and less pain.
  • Do not struggle with large cartons of groceries. Instead, use a wagon to move it from your car to your kitchen.
  • Use lightweight pans with comfortable handles.

8. Cherries:

Eat cherries by the dozens, rich in both magnesium and potassium they make a great pain killer and also reduce inflammation. They are one of the best natural remedies for arthritis.
  • Try and buy fresh cherries and consume a dozen a day.
  • Alternatively, you can also dig into a can of frozen cherries.
  • Cherry juice made by simply boiling the fruit in water when consumed daily is said to help those who suffer from arthritis greatly.

9. Omega 3 fatty acids:

If you suffer from arthritis you can benefit greatly from consuming fish rich in omega 3 such as tuna and salmon.
  • Alternatively, buy a bottle of fish oil and drink a teaspoon thrice a day.
  • Consuming this on an empty stomach can reduce pain, inflammation and stiffness!
  • Also, consume flax seeds for regulating pain.

10. Borage:

If you suffer from chronic arthritis, it is but natural that you are already under medication. However, just medication will not suffice.
  • Gently massage borage oil that has anti-inflammatory products for instant relief from acute pain.
  • Alternatively, you can also consume a teaspoon of the oil for relief from pain.
Remember, if you suffer from arthritis you need to keep a check on weight, for your joints need to bear all your weight. Eat healthy, exercise lightly in tandem along with these arthritis home remedies to lead an absolutely normal life.

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