Thursday, 14 August 2014

Top 10 Effective Home Remedies To Flush Out Kidney Stones

Kidney Stones

Stones in kidney have become quite common these days. This is seen in human body because of genetic or environmental factors. Kidney stones can appear in both men and women, but it is mostly prevalent in men. You must consult a doctor immediately if you believe that you are suffering from kidney stones. Below are the top 10 home remedies for kidney stones for reducing or flushing out the stones in your body.

Say Which Kidney Stone Home Remedy is Working Out?

1. Apple:

Apple is one of the easiest home remedy for kidney stone removal. It is believed that consuming fresh apple every day will help dissolve the kidney stones without any trouble. This is the reason why you must eat an apple every day if you are suffering from kidney stones.

2. Basil:

Basil is a herb that is used widely in our everyday cooking. This herb is also a natural tonic for our kidneys and it helps to dissolve the kidney stones naturally. All you have to do is squeeze fresh basil juice, add honey and consume this for the next six months on a daily basis.

3. Grapes:

Grapes are also considered as a great remedy for curing kidney stones. This is because it contains a high quantity of water and potassium which is a vital ingredient for dissolving the stones in kidneys. This fruit is also considered best during such a time because it contains low quantity of sodium chloride and albumin.

4. Watermelon:

All of us are well aware that watermelon contains the highest amount of water. This is a fruit that must be eaten everyday if you are suffering from stones in kidney. It will help in flushing out the stones easily without causing much pain.

5. Kidney Beans:

Kidney beans are supposed to be an excellent remedy for flushing out the kidney stones from human body. You must make it a point to eat one cup full of kidney beans on a daily basis. Always eat freshly soaked and boiled kidney beans – avoid the canned food as much as possible because it contains excess sodium which is unhealthy for the kidneys.

6. Asparagus:

Eat lots of asparagus. It can be canned, fresh or even frozen can be consumed daily. This is because asparagus contains the compound asparagine that helps in breaking the stones in kidney. This compound helps make the stones small in size and easier to pass through urination. Eating this vegetable will also increase the activity within the kidney and increase the flow of urine. Thus, it helps in flushing the stones out completely from the system.

7. Apple Cider Vinegar:

This is the easiest home remedy for kidney stone removal in the body. All you have to do is to take one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and mix it in one cup of water. Drink this concoction before your meals. The chemical composition of this home remedy helps in softening and dissolving the kidney stones.

8. Linseed Tea:

You must drink linseed tea to break the stones in your kidney. To make this tea all you have to do is add two tablespoons of linseed to boiling water and allow the seeds to stay in it for 15 minutes. You can always pour it through a sieve to remove the seeds. Add ¼ cup lemon juice and two tablespoons of honey to this mixture and drink this while it is hot. You can drink this concoction 5 times a day to ease your pain and flush out stones.

9. Water Therapy:

You must drink lots of water. Make a goal to drink three liters of water every day. Water will help removing the stones from the body through urine. It will also wash away the toxins and acidity of your body. Drinking water will help diluting the uric acid content in your body and will thus, curb further collection of the chemical compounds that lead to stones!

10. Vitamin B6:

You can also take Vitamin B6 supplements to cure the kidney stones of your body. You can take 100 to 150 mg of this drug daily till your stones get flushed out of the system.
In the end, one can say that you can try all these home remedies for kidney stones safely. But you must also follow the advice and medications given by the doctor!

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