Thursday, 14 August 2014

Top 10 Effective Home Remedies For Hair Breakage

Hair breakage is perhaps one of the most common problems that plague men and women alike. People are often found discussing their hair fall woes! Many spend time and money on hair experts, in the hope of a cure. What most don’t know is that there are several home remedies and tips that do work miracles.

Effective Home Remedies for Hair Breakage

Here are a few home remedies for hair breakage that you can follow at your home.

1. Olive oil: 

Hair breakage is generally a result of dry and brittle hair. Warm olive oil acts as a deep conditioner that will condition each strand of your hair, leaving it smooth, soft and silky, not to forget less prone to breakage. Warm half a cup of olive oil and gently apply it on your scalp. With your fingers work their way through to the ends of your hair. Wrap your hair in a warm towel for an hour or longer. Rinse off and shampoo when you are ready.

2. Beer: 

Yes, beer is very good for your hair! Massage it into your hair, making sure that all the strands are soaked in beer. Let the beer sit on your head for a good 15 minutes. Do not shampoo, just rinse. Be sure to rinse really well, lest you stink like a barrel of keg!

3. Egg Yolk: 

Messy as it can be, the yolk of an egg applied once a week can do wonders for your hair. Whisk the yolk of one egg, blend it with 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a small bowl and get into the shower. Wet your hair and slather the mixture on your head. This mix is not for the scalp, it’s for your hair. Concentrate on the ends of your hair and leave the mixture on for as long as you can tolerate the stench. Once you finish, rinse your hair and shampoo as usual. A month of this will make you smile about your pretty hair.

4. Mayonnaise: 

Mayonnaise remedy for hair breakage is a treat to the hair too! Once a week, work up enough mayonnaise into your scalp and work your way through to the end of each strand, and let it sit for a good half an hour, before you wash it off. The longer you leave it on, the better. The mayonnaise will penetrate into your hair and both condition and strengthen each strand. This means less hair breakage!

5. Oil Your Hair: 

Oil your hair as regularly as you can. You can always wash it off if you have to step out. Or, do it in the evenings and wash it off the next day! Heat the oil and apply it to your scalp down to the ends, before you use a shower cap to cover it up or a warm towel to do the same. Leave the oil on preferably overnight, or a good one hour, to strengthen your hair and reduce hair breakage. Coconut oil is the best!

6. Vitamin E: 

Vitamin E, the wonder remedy for dry skin, also makes a great hair tonic that reduces hair breakage in just a few applications. Break 5-6 capsules of vitamin E into your shampoo and wash as usual. This will reduce breakage, enhance growth and give your hair a rich and healthy glow!

7. Protein Supplements:

If the usual home remedies for hair breakage have little effect on you, it is a good idea to consume protein supplements to strengthen your hair from within. If hair breakage has been triggered by chemical treatments, pamper your hair with protein rich conditioners and shampoos that will reverse the effect of chemicals on your hair, and reduce hair breakage.

8. Don’t Brush Your Hair When Wet:

Your hair is at its weakest when wet and putting it through a rigorous brushing session is only going to mean more hair lost! Instead, saturate your hair with conditioner to tame those tresses!

9. Say No To Heat:

Heat can damage hair. The more you expose your hair to a blow dryer the more will you hear those heart wrenching snaps, every time you run your brush through your hair! Curling irons, blow dryers and other heat treatments can cause irrevocable damage to your hair. Use braids and twists to curl your hair naturally, and save the heat only for special occasions!

10. Space Out Hair Touch Ups:

Go natural, try henna and other such natural hair coloring agents. Get a touch up done once in every 8 weeks, not any sooner!
Apart from these hair breakage remedies, don’t forget to trim your hair often. A trim will reduce hair breakage as it removes the dead ends that make your hair dry, brittle and weak.
These remedies did work for me and I am sure they will work for you too! Try them and say hello to beautiful hair.

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