Friday 22 August 2014

Natural Cures For Nephritis

Nephritis is an inflammation that affects your kidneys. The inflammation is also known as interstitial nephritis, tubointerstitial nephritis and kidney nephritis. There are several types of nephritis affecting people all over the world. The causes of nephritis are; post streptococcal glomerulonephritis, bacterial endocarditis, autoimmune disorders, medication side effects and heredity factors.
The symptoms of the condition are; breathing difficulties, change in the urine color, blood flow in urine, and some more. For the natural cure for nephritis read as follows;

Various Natural Cures For Nephritis


Any kind of juice that has nutritional value will be useful in curing this trouble. Carrot juice is the best way to flush out all the toxins that cause nephritis in the form of urine. You also get the added nutrition of carrots, the needed vitamin A and others.

Carrot juice can also be substituted by cucumber, grape or orange juice. Make sure the juice is natural and homemade, as artificially preserved juices from stores might not be as beneficial as natural ones. Drink the juice at least 2-3 times a day without fail to see the positive results.


Banana is one of those fruits that serve as a brilliant natural cure for nephritis. Banana has high carbohydrate, low salt and protein content that actually helps in lowering the symptoms of nephritis.
Many doctors recommend having at least 8 – 9 bananas per day if you are suffering from nephritis; this is known to be a confirmed natural remedy for the disease. Overall, a fruit salad on regular basis is equally beneficial; make sure to include fruits that are low in protein content.In some cases, vegetable juices also serve the same cleansing purpose of the kidneys.


Low protein content and high mineral content have made avocado a good natural cure option for nephritis. Doctors usually suggest having 3-4 avocados each day to the nephritis patients for lowering the cholesterol level in blood.

It also has diuretic effect to some extent that is extremely useful for nephritis patients. This is the same reason why grapes are also suggested as natural cure for nephritis.


Coconut is considered to be an excellent natural remedy for any kind of kidney problem and for nephritis; coconut water serves the best purpose. The diuretic and soothing effect of the tender coconut water is very helpful for the nephritis patients.
Drinking 3 glasses of coconut water is considered to be a general requirement in nephritis.However, drinking it in empty stomach is not advisable as there are chances of developing acidity.


Yoga is one of the best cures for many problems in the human body. This is the natural cure for nephritis, headaches, emotional depressions, etc. Same is the case with meditation.

These are the best exercises and natural methods you can execute to control your weight, keep away from stress and not consume toxic goods. Meditation helps you cure yourself from within and there are many herbs that will help treat the inflammation in an alternative way. One must practice yoga twice a day and meditation once a day.


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    If you have any sickness like : H I V/AIDS , CANCER , HERPES HSV 1 or 2 , GENITAL WARTS, Yeast-infection's (HPV), and Hepatitis A, B. , Tuberculosis, Stroke. Negritis, Daibetics , Trichomoniasis Gonorrhea, Epilepsy, and Syphilis.
