Friday, 22 August 2014

5 Cures For Leucorrhoea

Leucorrhoea is a condition in which there is a whitish or yellowish discharge from the vagina. This discharge is generally thick and viscous with a foul odor and may increase with vaginal infection or sexually transmitted diseases. The discharge may happen consistently or appear and disappear from time to time.

Leucorrhoea may occur due to some infection or other metabolic and hormonal imbalances,the major cause being lack of hygiene. All forms of vaginal discharge cannot be accounted forleucorrhoea. They are common among young girls before puberty. Though leucorrhoea is not a major issue of concern, it is better to treat the condition as soon as possible. Some of the natural methods helpful in treating leucorrhoea are provided below.

Best Natural Cures For Leucorrhoea


The easiest and the most natural home remedy for leucorrhoea is to consume a potionprepared from lady’s finger, which is a common vegetable used for cooking. Add 200 grams of fresh lady’s finger to one liter of water.
Boil this potion until the water is reduced to half the quantity. Strain the potion to obtain a clear decoction. Add one teaspoon of sugar to enhance its taste. Consume 75ml of this potion thrice a day. This simple remedy can be continued until the discharge is reduced considerably.


The seeds of Fenugreek plant are known to treat leucorrhoea effectively. A tea prepared from these seeds could help in fighting leucorrhoea. Add two teaspoons of fenugreek seeds to one liter of water. Boil this decoction on high flame for about 10 minutes and let it simmer for about 30 minutes. Strain this mixture and use the clear tea as a douche. This treatment method is well known to reduce the symptoms of the disorder.


decoction prepared from fresh leaves from the walnut trees can be used as a douche to treatleucorrhoea. The leaves from a walnut tree contain astringent chemicals, which are quite beneficial for discharge caused by leucorrhoea. The decoction is to be prepared in such a way that it is neither too  viscous  nor too watery, so that it can be comfortably used for douching.


Mangoes are commonly used at home for cooking. The seed found in a mango is generallyconsidered as a waste and thrown away. Nevertheless, these seeds are found to have medicinal value and aid in fighting leucorrhoea effectively. A paste prepared from the decorticated inner kernel of the fruit, when applied to the vagina, helps in treating leucorrhoea efficiently.


Dry coriander seeds commonly used at home are capable of curing leucorrhoea. Soak three to four tablespoons of coriander in 300 ml of warm water and leave it overnight. Strain the mixture, the next morning, and drink the entire potion. This mixture is proven to be more effective when consumed early in the morning before breakfast.
Leucorrhoea is not a critical health condition to be worried about. They may become chronic if left untreated, though. So it is advised to follow the home remedies to treat leucorrhoea and prevent it from becoming more prominent.

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