Friday, 22 August 2014

Natural Cures For Infertility Disorders

Infertility is the term used to describe the inability of a woman to become pregnant. It can be attributed to both female and male factor. A woman must produce and release an egg from her ovaries and the egg must pass through the fallopian tubes and reach the uterus. A man’s sperm must join the egg and fertilize it in the uterus, so that the woman becomes pregnant.
If there is a problem in this process, it causes infertility. There are several reasons for this condition and can be treated if the underlying cause is identified. Natural cures are quite effective for treating infertility disorders.

Effective Natural Cures For Infertility Disorders


A healthy diet can improve your chances of healthy ovulation and will avoid miscarriage. The foods you consume are the building blocks of hormones and the antioxidants protect the egg as well as sperms from the damage caused due to free radicals and aids in gaining fertility.
You must take food that is dense in nutrients required for keeping the health of the reproductive system and its functions. Eat more of organic fruits and vegetables and avoid food that contains chemicals as certain chemicals can induce infertility.
Take a lot of high fiber food and whole grains as they will help you get rid of the excess hormones and will balance the blood sugar levels.  They will aid in reducing issues like PCOS and immunological problems and promote hormonal balance. Eat leafy vegetables, beans, fresh fruit juice, asparagus, fish, eggs, nuts, berries, bananas, citrus fruits, garlic, etc. Avoid taking soy and soy products, Trans fat food, margarine, caffeinated drink, carbonated drinks, MSG, etc.


Several nutrients are vital for fertility and they have a direct effect on fertility, when they are not available in required amounts. They can be supplemented naturally to cure infertility disorders. Vitamin D is essential for the production of sex hormones, which directly affect the ovulation process. It has a straight impact on hormone balance.
Exposure to sunlight will help your body get the required vitamin D. Vitamin E is important to promote the sperm health in men. It is required to maintain the DNA integrity in egg cells and sperm cells. It is a powerful antioxidant.Vitamin C decreases infertility in women and reduces miscarriage as well as chromosomal problems.
It makes the sperm more motile and avoids clumping of sperms together. Vitamin B complex is a hormone regulator.  They reduce irregular ovulation and boost the endometrial lining and aid in fertilization of the egg. Folic acid is necessary for getting pregnant.  Minerals like zinc and selenium enhance fertility and aid in treating infertility disorders.  Omega 3 fatty acids improve the blood circulation to reproductive organs and thus improve fertility.


Prepare an infusion using tender leaves of jambul tree or black berry fruit and drink it regularly to cure ovarian as well as endometrial functioning disorders. The infusion can also be mixed with buttermilk or honey and taken regularly.
Winter cheery is another herb that has valuable properties to cure sterility.  Powder the dried herb and mix it with a cup of milk 5 nights after menstruation to promote fertility. Banyan roots are the best to treat sterility disorders.Take the advice of a natural cure practitioner while using banyan roots.
Licorice roots stimulate fertility and create the required hormonal balance.  Shepherd’s purse restores the normal functions of the uterus and maintains its health. It is good for fibroids and tones the uterus walls.  Evening primrose has an exceptional impact on treating infertility problems. Yarrow has been used traditionally to treat fertility disorders in females.  It supports the health of reproductive organs and improves their functions.


Acupuncture is an effectual treatment for infertility disorders. It improves the blood circulation to uterus and ovaries and thus helps in improving fertility. Acupuncture technique can treat various causes for infertility like miscarriage, spammed tubes, and thyroid problems.
It boosts the hormones like beta-endorphins, follicle stimulating hormones as well as luteinizing hormones.It can decrease the amount of defective sperms in men.
Acupuncture enhances overall health, reduces stress and anxiety, increases energy flow and blood flow to reproductive organs.  It can regulate menstrual cycle, nourish the uterus, support embryo implantation and aid in follicular maturation in women, thereby reducing infertility disorders.


Yoga is the best way for addressing infertility disorders. It can deal with both physical and emotional disorders and boost fertility. There are many postures and breathing exercises, which can strengthen the body and mind to regain balance, improves the endocrine functions, and stimulate the reproductive system.
Stress is a major factor for infertility and yoga can ease stress and anxiety easily. Postures like supported head stand, bridge pose, child pose, bound angle pose, leg up the wall pose,forward bend pose, bee breathe and yogic sleep reduce infertility disorders and promote fertility.

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