Friday, 22 August 2014

Best 7 Natural Cures For Vaginitis

Vaginitis is simply the inflammation of vagina. Common symptoms of vaginitis are redness, itchiness in and around the vaginal area. You may also suffer from milky or smelly discharge from the vagina which may further aggravate the itchiness.There might be burning while passing urine and burning or pain while indulging in sexual intercourse. The cause behind this medical condition is infection which might be caused by bacteria, fungus or parasitic.
Proper diagnosis is required to determine the cause of vaginitis so that an effective treatment plan can be laid out. Though antibiotics and local ointment may be prescribed for vaginitis but you may also go for natural cures for this condition. However, it is recommended that you do not discontinue medication. In cases of mild to medium vaginitis you may consult your gynaecologist for not taking the medicines but following the natural course of treatment alone. In the write up we will explore and introduce you to various natural cures for this medical condition.

Various Natural Cures For Vaginitis


If your vaginitis is caused by fungal or yeast infection then yogurt wash might help. Yogurt has alive bacteria in it which is same as the good bacteria that resides in our body. This kind of bacteria aids healthy digestion and metabolism in our body. The bacteria keeps fungus in check by destroying it. Each one of these maintain each other’s balance.
Therefore if your infection is caused by fungi then the bacteria in yogurt will destroy it effectively.Take a cotton swab and soak it in yogurt. Apply it around your vulvar region. The coolness of yogurt will further soothe the itching and burning sensation. Apply it and let it rest for at least 15 minutes. Do not cover it with your underwear during this time. Wash off with lukewarm water.


oth garlic and vinegar act against fungus very effectively. Vinegar is acidic and if diluted it can restore the PH balance of skin as well. Take 2-3 cloves of garlic and crush it with a spoon of water. Extract this garlic water and add a spoon of apple cider vinegar and 5 spoons of water into it. Apply this solution on the affected part with the help of a cotton swab.
Let it dry up for about 15 minutes and then wash. Issue with this solution is the strong pungent smell of garlic. So after washing yourself thoroughly, dry it up properly and then just apply diluted apple cider vinegar in your vagina. You need not wash it off. Apply it every time you wash the vaginal area after urinating.


This oil is a natural strong anti-microbial oil. It smells bad but has miraculous properties that can get rid of your bacterial or fungal infections quite quickly. Since it is a strong oil, dilute it with another anti-microbial oil which may include some olive oil and a few drops of lavender oil. Apply this oil mixture in and around the vulva.
Let it rest for 15 minutes and then with a tissue paper just dab out the excess oil. With the extra oil gone, wear your panties and you are good to go. This mixture will effectively kill the microbes causing infections and keep the area well moistened.


Aloe Vera is a wonderfully soothing anti-microbial herb. It is easily available and alleviates most of the infections quite effectively, including vaginitis. Extract some Aloe Vera gel from the sprig of this plant and store it in a bottle. This gel is odourless so you may add lavender or rosemary oil to this gel. Apply it repeatedly at least 5 times in a day.
You can go out and wear your undergarment after application of Aloe Vera. You may also make an intimate wash with the Aloe Vera gel. Take half a bowl of Aloe Vera gel and mix it thoroughly in a mug of warm water. After you have taken bath or washed your vagina with normal water, just splash it thoroughly with the Aloe Vera wash. Dry thoroughly and apply some gel thereafter.


You may be maintaining a good intimate hygiene, but are you sure you are doing it right? The first step after cleaning yourself is to dry your intimate parts properly. Do not shower powder in this area but only on the outer skin. Ensure that your partner cleans himself thoroughly and has clean hands before you two get intimate.
If the infection is parasitic then it might be sexually transmitted for which you both will have to be treated together. Refrain from relations during this time. Do not use hot water for washing vagina as that will increase the itching, inflammation and dry out the vagina. In fact keep this area moisturized with some coconut oil which is mild and anti-bacterial as well.


Vitamin C rich and anti-inflammatory diet is what you need when suffering from vaginitis. Citrus fruits are not only good source of vitamin C but are also high on water content. Both these qualities make an ideal remedy out of vitamin C. Lemon, oranges, kiwis, strawberries are rich in vitamin C and you can either consume them whole or in form of juices.
Vitamin C is a natural anti-oxidant which will flush out the infection from your vaginal region and also alleviate the foul odour. Anti-inflammatory diet consists of all the omega3 rich fatty acids. Oily fish like salmon and mackerel are great anti-inflammatory foods. Apart from these, try capsules of sea cod oil.
Walnuts, oysters, eggs, wild rice, soy products are some more examples of dietary inclusions for those women who are suffering from Vaginitis. Avoid refined flour, processed sugars during the treatment of this condition as they can interfere with the healing process of the body.


Clean your undergarments with mild detergent and ensure exposure to sun which will actually sterilise these clothes. If sunshine is not enough then just dip your clothes in anti-bacterialsolution after washing.
Wear cotton undergarments and stay away from synthetic or lacy undergarments. Do not wear tight clothing as it can cause sweating and worsen the infection. Completely eliminate sharing or washing your own undergarments with other people’s clothes.

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