Monday, 11 August 2014

Home Remedies for Vaginal Dryness

Menopause does many things to a woman's body but one of the most frequent and uncomfortable signs and symptoms is vaginal dryness. Often identified by pain during sexual intercourse, it is the result of vaginal atrophy in which the vagina does not produce sufficient levels of lubrication. Often it is accompanied by stinging and itching, and as it is such a common issue, there are a number of ways in which to cure vaginal dryness.

How Do You Treat Vaginal Dryness?

Like most menopausal signs and symptoms, many women use different forms of treatment for helping with the problem of vaginal dryness. These range from lifestyle changes to natural supplements and alternative treatments. Home remedies are safe, inexpensive, and effective methods of treatment for vaginal dryness, and include:

•  Coconut oil
•  Olive oil
•  Increased foreplay
•  Cotton underwear
•  Avoiding chemicals

Whilst these ways may be beneficial for many women, each woman is different and as such some methods will be more effective for certain individuals than others. Another great way to treat this problem at home is through your diet and lifestyle. There are numerous foods that may help to cure vaginal dryness.

Diet Tips to Help Ease Vaginal Dryness

There are many things which can be added to your daily diet that may help to alleviate or cure the effects of vaginal dryness. These include:


High in fatty acids and many essential nutrients, try seeds and nuts for helping vaginal dryness.


Omega-3 is key in reducing the signs and symptoms of menopause. Try a salmon fillet or canned tuna for increasing those levels and reducing any chance of vaginal dryness.


Hydration is imperative. Drinking eight glasses of water a day should be the aim.


Hailed as a hero of menopause, soy is high in estrogen and is widely used to treat many menopausal symptoms.


Easy additions for a woman to make to her diet are fruit and vegetables. In terms of vaginal dryness, why not make a tasty snack of yogurt with cherries and melon to help the problem. Any food that comes with natural water is a plus. Apples for example, are another to consider.

Eating a balanced diet should be a key component of a woman's life whether in menopause or as an adolescent teenager. However, alongside this it is also important to keep stress levels low and also exercise regularly. In regards to vaginal dryness, the addition of kegel exercises to your daily routine can strengthen your vaginal muscles and keep the area healthy. 

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