Sunday, 17 August 2014


Most men as they advance beyond the age of 60 yearsdevelop some kind of prostate gland related problems. Benign prostatic hyperplasia is the growth of the prostate gland which is not cancerous in nature. In fact this problem is so common among elderly males that the medical community has started considering it as one of the consequences of aging.
An enlarged prostate exerts pressure on the urethra causing obstruction in the flow of urine. The bladder also tends to become weak and sufferers of this problem often experience frequent urinary tract infection due to the residual urine in the urinary tract. This problem should be treated as soon as it is diagnosed because it can get worst with time and cause related problems. Fortunately you do not have to opt for expensive modern treatments as there are many herbal remedies for benign prostatic hyperplasia.


Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds have long been used in Germany to treat difficulty in urination caused by an enlarged prostate. These seeds are diuretic in nature and are rich in zinc which helps to build and repair the immune system.

The best way to consume these seeds is to c. You can also make a tea by crushing a handful of fresh seeds and placing them in a pint jar filling it up with boiling water. Now strain it and sip one pint of this tea daily.

Watermelon Seeds

Amish men used this seeds as a remedy for bladder problems, prostate problems and to flush the system. Take 1/8 cup of fresh seeds of watermelon and place them in a 1 pint jar.

Fill the jar with steaming water and strain. Drink 1 pint of this tea every day when cool. This is regarded as the effective herbal remedies for benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Saw Palmetto

This is the herb most commonly used by herbalists for the treatment of BPH. This herb blocks the production of a hormone that causes the prostate to grow.

This herb is a popular herbal remedy for a number of other ailments. You can consume this herb on the regular basis to get better result.

Red Clover

This herb has been used for ages for treatment of conditions as different as psoriasis and hot flashes. This is because this herb has a very high content of isoflavones which is a protein commonly found in soybeans.

This herb cannot just treat BPH but also prevents and heals cancerous tumors in the prostate gland. This herb is one of the effective herbal remedies for benign prostatic hyperplasia and is alsogood for the overall health of a person.

African Tree Bark

This remedy is so commonly used in Africa and Europe that the tree from which the bark is harvested has now become an endangered species.

It has been used for centuries for the treatment of prostate related problems as it reduces swelling and inflammation in the gland and also inhibits the growth of the prostate gland.


This bean is also rich in isoflavones and it is a well known fact that the Japanese men who consume a lot of soy rarely get problems related to the prostate gland.

This is the reason that it is one of the most effective herbal remedies form benign prostatic hyperplasia. It is recommended that you consume this bean every day in any form you like.

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