Sunday, 17 August 2014


The excess lymph serum is continuously eliminated through kidneys and the skin, a function which becomes disrupted in people suffering from dropsy. As a result thelymph serum accumulates within the body causing edema. This condition occurs mostly in people who consume too much salt and also if a person is suffering from diabetes which affects the function of the kidneys.
Another cause could be the overloading of the liver and kidneys with toxins which interfered in their proper functioning. If the heart muscles become weak it may also lead to the accumulation and stagnation of harmful fluids within the body. This can poison the entire body. Lack of proper nutrition and thyroid disorders could also be responsible for causing this condition. Fortunately there are some gentle herbal remedies for dropsy that can alleviate the problem in a natural manner.



This herb is used for curing the dropsy as well as bladder inflammation. It contains vitamins D, G, A and B and all kinds of minerals.

Thus, by taking the juice of this herb your body will get all the necessary vitamins and minerals and this will help in getting rid of the problem of dropsy.


Garlic is really a wonder herb and is extensively used in the treatment of various diseases. It is well known for its properties that boost the immune system and also for its ability to fight off infections. Another significant use of garlic is in the treatment of dropsy.

Chewing two cloves of garlic in the morning can bring great relief to a person suffering from this condition. Along with the garlic if you also take the juice of bitter gourd, it will be doubly effective. Otherwise garlic alone is quite an effective herbal remedy for dropsy.

Terminalia Arjuna

This herb is widely used in the Ayurvedic system of medicine for the treatment of various diseases. It is also recommended by Ayurvedic practitioners for the treatment of dropsy.

There is a particular decoction made with the help of milk and the bark of the Arjuna treewhich is made by Ayurvedic methods. Taking this decoction in the morning on an empty stomach can provide great relief to patients suffering from dropsy.

Indian Lilac (Margosa)

Margosa is also used in the Ayurvedic system for the treatment of dropsy. The best way to consume this herb to act as one of the herbal remedies for dropsy is to take a tea made from the leaves. You can drink the tea prepared from margosa leaves every morning.


Dandelion is one of the most widely used herbs in the traditional Western medicine system. It has been used for centuries for the treatment of various diseases. People often consider this herb to be a useless nuisance growing as a weed in their gardens, but actually it is a store house of nutrients and packed with healing properties.

A tea made from dandelion and goldenrod is an excellent remedy for dropsy. In order to make the tea, boil 2 cups of water and add 1 teaspoon of dried dandelion and 1 teaspoon of goldenrod to it. Cover it with a tight lid and let it steep for 10 minutes.

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